Blizzard is catering to BFA crowd

11/03/2018 03:14 AMPosted by Turdhammock
Overreacting to a demo that clearly is just the legion client stripped down and not fully adapted to classic.. I think we should take a breath and realize that this isn't a week away from launch, most problems will be resolved.

I think the concern is they had the gall to present this thing as a demo instead of just keeping it under wraps. Either it's sloppy, and this is what they have after a year, and less than a year to go, or they want to see how much they can get away with.
11/03/2018 03:14 AMPosted by Turdhammock
Overreacting to a demo that clearly is just the legion client stripped down and not fully adapted to classic.. I think we should take a breath and realize that this isn't a week away from launch, most problems will be resolved.

The over reaction is a direct result from the lack of communication the community has had from Blizzard lately. The truth is the majority of the user base has lost faith in them ever listening to us. Look at forums across all their games. This isn't a problem for Classic alone. Even GD is riddled with the unenthused and apathetic.

This is a problem with how they treat their customers. Maybe this is an over reaction, and many of us pray it is. But our confidence in Blizzard caring what we think has pretty much gone down the toilet.
11/03/2018 03:14 AMPosted by Turdhammock
Overreacting to a demo that clearly is just the legion client stripped down and not fully adapted to classic.. I think we should take a breath and realize that this isn't a week away from launch, most problems will be resolved.

Except that based on when they announced classic, and when they say it will be released....this "demo" represents the halfway point. It took them 9-12 months to get to this point, and we are to believe that this will magically turn in to vanilla in another 9-12 months?
11/03/2018 03:23 AMPosted by Skjaldbjorn
11/03/2018 03:14 AMPosted by Turdhammock
Overreacting to a demo that clearly is just the legion client stripped down and not fully adapted to classic.. I think we should take a breath and realize that this isn't a week away from launch, most problems will be resolved.

Except that based on when they announced classic, and when they say it will be released....this "demo" represents the halfway point. It took them 9-12 months to get to this point, and we are to believe that this will magically turn in to vanilla in another 9-12 months?

what makes you think the demo is the most current version they working with? and according to quite a few people in these forums and all over, they should have been able to not only have Classic done before or by now, but also knocked out BC and Wrath too by now, since most of is 'already done'
called it a long time ago. This is Activision. Retail is failing and classic is their catch net for all the fleeing players.
Looks like Vanilla > Classic boys and girls.
I am genuinely concerned that dungeons are going to be face roll like they were in Wrath.