Blizzard is afraid to kill off their major alliance characters

That’s the thing though - human lore. Not the Alliance as a whole. The faction is more than just humans, and humans as a race will do just fine without stagnating over how things were.


How will they? Can you suggest some kind of alternative direction for human lore to fill the void that cutting out the Seven Kingdoms would create?


I wouldn’t look to Chronicles if I were you. Ever since lord Steve pretty much wrote it off as nothing (all 3 volumes) what you use from that is pretty much nothing.

At this point is no lore is sacred so who care. This must how old gods feel with a thousand truths tossed at them at the same time.


That was Rastakhan not Vol’jin.

Vol’jin died to make room for Sylvanas as warchief so the War of Thorns and Shadowlands could be a thing.


Literally any other direction. Skies the limit. You still have Stormwind. Stromgarde has just been reclaimed. Gilneas is a completely untapped vein.

Humanity itself has essentially nothing going on right now, Seven Kingdoms or not. You could actually explore how the humans interact with the other races in the Alliance, rather than just being the stock blue race that they all flock to. Actually flesh out the race rather than leaning on its prior existence.

The Warcraft 2 fantasy is holding them back, and frankly, I don’t give a damn about it. I’d be thrilled if it died.


Out of all my threads this one was my worst one.

I don’t think killing off Tyrande or Malfurion would be good for the lore at the moment. As much as it pains me to say it I agree that killing off the original members of the Alliance Expeditionary force would be a good way to move forward. Having said, I’m not certain how best to do that. The simplest way, without making them villains, would be to have some new foe/foes target and kill them in a major event.


Its weirdly the opposite.

The Alliance has a list of God-Tier characters, and yet those characters are constantly side-lined so that the Horde doesn’t get roflstomped right out the gate of it’s latest, ‘soul-searching,’ session. Even when those characters are put into play, they’re typically reigned in power-wise to give the Horde a chance.

Take Tyrande and the Night Warrior. The power to one-shot an Old God and she can’t even properly take back Darkshore by herself.

Turalyon takes the field in the Arathi Warfront and he’s no stronger or weaker than the Horde commander.

Alleria is a budding Void Goddess and spent all of BFA standing on the deck of a ship docked at Kul Tiras.

Malfurion surpassed Ysera in Druidic potential, and all he got was one scene being a stealth bear and burying an orc alive to look bad*ss.

Velen’s got enough light going for him to undarken a Naaru, yet all we’ve really ever seen him do is sweep the floors of the Exodar of some fel during Legion.

Jaina is the most powerful mortal sorceress, trained by an Archmage of the Council of Six as well as a former Guardian of Tirisfal, wielding a staff imbued with the power of the Thunder King.

So, yeah. The Alliance has a lot of God-Tier characters. They’re just always holding back because you can’t tell much of a faction conflict story when 1-2 of that roster above could single-handedly destroy Orgrimmar in a blink.


No but he did need to die to get us to where we are in shadowlands… Like it was never because of talanji that they killed him off

Yeah, sorry it came off wrong.

I just simply meant Blizzard doesn’t need to kill off a major character (Leader) in order to introduce a new one.

For example, I think Captain Garrick ( would make a great leader to rise up through the ranks of Stormwind.

But this doesn’t mean that Anduin or Turyalon need to die first. =)


Faction parity doesn’t really matter to me. Tell good stories that honor the characters that exist, invest your players in the story, and pay off dramatic moments. Wanna know what blind devotion to faction parity looks like? Vol’jin dying to placate backlash at The High King dying but not The Warchief. We’re two expansions past The Broken Shore and they still haven’t cobbled together anything worthwhile for Vol’jin.

I don’t see how the story really gains anything by enforcing “if someone on one side dies, so should another on the other side!”


Get rid of factions entirely.


During the fiasco that has been the last two expansions, I would think folks would sit down and say “Hey… we’ve lost enough.”

Nope. Let’s go kill off some major characters.

We still have a giant sword sticking out of our planet (which really seems bad) and the last two expansions were caused in large part by lava eel vore. I’m on team #pleasestopdoingthis

Except Calia Menethil. She can go DIAF. Like a literal fire.

The seven kingdoms fantasy is a boomer take that needs to die off so the Alliance and evolve as a faction.


Southshore, Theramore, Nethergarde Keep, and Teldrassil. The alliance repeatedly loses cities with characters, framed as war crimes that will never be properly addressed, but people will continue to scream alliance bias because blizzard doesn’t kill off useless leaders.

I wish the roles were reversed.


I wish the horde was in a position they could actually afford to lose stuff.


Honestly, this comes off to me more as, ‘Metzen wanted Vol’jin as the next Warchief, but then Danuser decided his favorite character should be Warchief once Metzen was out of the picture.’


Theramore’s the only real loss there. The Horde lost their own equivalent with the last two and Southshore was a horrific design choice.

Yeah let’s put a level 30 Blue questing hub next to a level 20 Red one. It actually makes the game needlessly more difficult on Horde as you can’t do much of anything in Hillsbrad. Place is a god damn bloodbath in Classic. Can’t even land there safely.


That dream is extremely hard to die when four out of seven kingdoms are already in the Alliance. Five if you count Dalaran. Yeah it’s ‘‘neutral’’, depending on the circumstances, but it’s there.
Lordaeron is gone, that’s for sure, but it’s still very important to humanity as a symbol, as it is literally the birthplace of the Alliance and its history is very important for various reasons. And just to make myself clear, I’m not saying the Forsaken don’t have any claims on Lordaeron.

Then you have Turalyon, who is already dreaming of securing other fallen holdings of the old Alliance. So, yeah.

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