Blizzard inconsistencies

This only applies to player power.

It’s purely cosmetic and “being behind” does not matter.

There’s no grass in the city.

I’m pretty sure that somewhere in Blizzard’s development group office is a motivational poster that says, “Inconsistency is better than no consistency at all.”


according to blizzard being ‘behind’ in rep matters even though player power for renown does not exist.

I disagree. In an interview, Ion said that player power in WoW was the driving factor for a lot of players, casuals included. Morgan Day said that non-redundant sources of player power became mandatory (per feedback of players) even if they weren’t meant to be.

This implies that they recognized an issue with “mandatory content” and sought a progression system that wouldn’t feel forced. I believe Renown in DF is set up to reward players who simply want to participate in content because they enjoy it, less because of “number go up” motivations.

I dont like the change to daily content either this expansion. But tbf blizzard said this:

“we’re going to try to find other ways to accomplish that without impacting crafting too much or generating a great deal of concern for those who don’t already have a daily routine or want a daily routine.”

And its true that stuff that crafters want is behind renown.

They said they want to find other ways of making those of us that like daily world content have it, but not have it affect those like crafters.

Sadly that means they might not be able to do anything until 10.1
Which does suck.

We should make sure blizzard knows we still want it. But it might not be possible until next patch with how 10.0 is set up.

i say to them, what if i told you that you didnt have to do that?
ok you miss feast? who cares?
ok you miss something else…who cares?
and oh, look at that, you miss another thing…who cares?
this, “i want it now and have to get it immediatly” mindset is seriously old, boring and out played.
get over it

Not according to crafters and those who want the 386 pieces.

You disagree that they think that? I added the quote from their thread on the reasons for the reversal of the decision to add more world quests.

There is a tiny group of people who can’t seem to control their actions in this game yet want to compete for everything. Those players need to be ignored. They are costing blizzard millions of dollars.

I don’t know what the benefits of having rep are, but I am guessing Blizzard slows it down so no groups get left too far behind and quit after 1 month?

Since the bop mats can be used for orders, a better idea, to encourage people playing together, would offer casuals a way to grind out profession skill through pure timesink. Now that professions have specializations? That is almost half an expansion’s worth of content.

Touch some pavement instead?

You do realize that’s exactly what the OP is saying, yes?

yes but the reason behind that decision makes no sense - it is inconsistent with how the game exists already.

I’m sure many of you have noticed that undead have a slight limp when they run. I’m thinking that maybe Bliz gave us uneven leg lengths. This is a terrible inconsistency. Do you understand how much it’s going to cost to get my pants hemmed for two different length legs.

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I agree with this.

I simply disagree with the idea that Blizzard needs to change anything with Renown atm. :slight_smile:

yea, i wrote that a little confusing. i fixed it for the people that need to be taught with drawings made from crayons.

Right…but the change didn’t happen, so why hasn’t the OP (and everyone else) “gotten over it” if that is the answer.

I don’t think they need to change anything with renown either but providing more world quests is necessary and there was no reason for them to back track on their decision about that.

I agree
There are people out there with all renowns maxed out. If people really felt the urgent need to have it now, they could have had it.

I suppose because world quests are more fun than grinding 15 hours a day, and can be done at any time of the day instead of making sure youre around for it, people are more inclined to push themselves to them.

It probably has pee and chewing gum on it, lol. Come to think of it, grass probably does too.