Blizzard ignoring faction imbalance: Why?

One of the things they should do in my mind is make the queue times faction based.

So a certain amount of horde/alliance can get into the game so that only the higher population faction gets stuck in the queue.


Which wouldn’t work, and would only cause massive amounts of outrage and complaints. :roll_eyes:

People aren’t going to abandon their friends, family, guilds, ect because of a log in queue.

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I’ve said this once, and I’ll say it again. Blizzard should have put a faction cap on servers. Especially for PVP servers.


this would not help any server imbalance this would make some servers worst as alliance would leave en masse servers that are horde dominated to servers that are alliance dominated and horde would do the same thing making some servers even more imbalanced.

That don’t seems like a good business idea. Can backslash more than the player preaching for balance.

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You could take a moment and actually back that statement up.
If faction ratio queues were enacted, they would immediately “work” for those in game on those servers. Those that repeatedly have to wait in a queue can choose to move, with their “friends and family” could choose the transfer option, which would coincide with it.

“Massive amounts of outrage and complaints” by those that blatantly stacked a faction should not have tears shed for it.

[citation needed]

Faction ratio queues, coupled with free transfers is an ideal solution.


But wouldn’t that just unbalance that server? I doubt many players would willingly transfer to a server that is dominated by the other faction in hopes of it balancing out.

Server balance has always been an issues. WoW is a terrible wpvp game anyways, the only wpvp content it has is ganking. Sounds to me like most of y’all should have just rolled on a normal server.

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What consequence on server population might that have across all servers?

They offer free transfers now to realms where people can choose the underdog realm and surprise: very few people do so and instead want paid transfers.

Why are you investing time in a place where you aren’t happy? We have ten character slots per server. Why not reroll? Its only phase one. There is no being behind in Clsssic.

Simple truth: all or our time spent in WoW is a sunk investment of time unless someone figured out how to keep progressing their characters after our mortal clocks run out :stuck_out_tongue:

Most definitely.

In that case make faction transfers only available for the dominating faction.

The reason that Blizzard is ignoring faction balance is simple : Players on PvP servers don’t want faction balance (as proven by actions of players on those servers via how they create characters and how they use paid / free transfers).


Honestly itll likely never get fixed because the resolution would be pvpers switching to the other faction to help balance the imbalance but lets be honest, nobody likes giving up the advantage that theyre benefitting from. They would much rather Blizzard force other people to switch or for other people to make the sacrifice for the betterment of the balance so they themselves dont have to play a faction they don’t wanna play on.

what do you think they can do about millions of people picking one faction over another?

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So what happens if they do that, and the transfer rate is minimal?

How accurate is that, ever? One week a power guild logs off and bam, server flips…it sounds messy and open to being rigged by players.

The ratio is usually a big scapegoat anyway.

Alliance fp or SVT bridges can only be camped by so many UD Rogues!

Just a few examples:

1: Make server caps (55/45) as a maximum
2: Make free transfers only available for dominating factions

They can’t stop people from choosing a faction but as a billion dollar company they can definitely control the situation.


I think it would be less than minimal to the point of being statistically 0. PvP server players want to play as the dominate faction , they won’t leave.


Two players pay for a service. One have instant access to it, the other have to wait two hours. Just for decisions that were made before they pretend to put balance regulations.

You don’t expect a backslash from those Hordes or Allies player? Really?

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A better title for your post should be: “PVP players want faction imbalance. Why?”

NOBODY is making pvp’ers roll on or transfer to specific servers. They are doing it to themselves.


you think they would actually cap a factions player base so people couldnt play with their friends on that server?

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