Blizzard, why are you ignoring faction imbalance? Since day one the community has posted thread after thread in relation to this issue, yet not a single blue post has been given.
Why are you turning a blind eye? It almost feels like a slap on the face.
Can you please write something, anything. I know people irl whose first experience of WoW is classic, and are playing less and less as they simply can’t get things done due to a 4:1 horde vs alliance ratio.
Also, before anyone suggests it, the free character transfer is a silly suggestion from an oceanic standpoint. The only low pop server we have is Felstriker. I’ve got an alt on there and let me tell you, its a ghost town.
As a rogue it doesn’t bother me as much, as most of my time is spent in the shadows. But I really feel for other classes.
Make character transfers available ONLY for the dominating faction.
If that doesn’t tickle your fancy then offering paid character transfers to other PVP realms, in oceanic case Yoojamba, which my mates report is pretty balanced.
Also, others may want to transfer over from their PvP realm to the PVE one we have available.
Since day one of the games release 15 years ago faction balance has been an issue and Blizzard has never done anything about it in all that time. Why would you expect classic to be any different?
All that does is make the imbalance worse, people aren’t going to pay to “even out” a server, they are going to pay to escape one that is already imbalanced thus making it even worse
From one rogue to another we have no right on commenting on this issue as we have the ability to stealth.
This issue of faction imbalance affects those other classes who can’t. As i mentioned in my post, this issue doesn’t concern me as much, but it clearly concerns other players.
The more a server is imbalanced the more people I have to gank. However, it’s for the other classes who I’m raising a thread for.
They don’t care, like, seriously. If a lot of player complain they will add at some point paid transfers, but they won’t force any rules that grant some “balance” on population with the actual playerbase. And it’s the more logical approach, true population balance is hard to achieve w/o put some serious limitations for which player will cry to anyways.
A) leave things like are now, with some players angry and add a future paid solution.
B) force some changes (and resources), that will fall in grace with the angry players (maybe) but a new sector of player base will be with discomfort.
It’s actually a very complicated problem. You’re literally fighting against human nature, and it takes time to figure out how to get humans to do what you want them to do, without them feeling like they’re being manipulated or taken advantage of. Businesses have got pretty good at getting people to buy stuff, but when it comes to things like faction imbalances, that’s entirely different aspect of human nature.