Blizzard: Ignorantly eager to kill all the success of Classic

It’s the brick and mortar business mindset.

I resubbed yesterday and got every name I wanted on one of the new servers that opened up. You could always cut your losses and move to a new server.

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I have spent 16 hours total on a total of 2 characters already after switching. I’m not doing it again.

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Yet this is the same forum that laughs at how bad retail is borked right now…It’s not like some fairy dust changed the companies business philosophy when Classic was given the green light. You would think it to be expected with the amount of bashing retail gets for how its run.

I’m not exactly thrilled with it myself, but its pretty easy to see that what they have to accommodate us right now is what they think or actually hope will fit the final population that plays it regularly. This idea of it being a blow out, even if true, doesn’t feel like a direction they actually like going. Because they’ll never get to release games for sale, because the cash shop doesn’t exist and because Classic doesn’t have room to grow or take on new ventures. If it doesn’t expand its shelf life is short, probably 3-4 years before its ghost towns. Its not conducive to making their business bigger. No one paid $60 for Classic and that is a big problem for anyone who wants Classic to take precedence over retail. It has to produce more than subs because they moved on from that business model to long ago.

Im not sure they are on clouds. Last time i heard they still had their own actual servers they owned.


  • We did exactly what Blizzard said to do if we wanted to reserve our names and preform guild memberships (we couldn’t actually make the guilds, but we could ensure all our members were on the same realm from day zero).
  • We didn’t have a broad choice of realms to choose from, so naturally the populations capped quickly.
  • There was no queue when we joined.

Quoting Ion from his interview with Forbes:

So yes, when you’re talking about five digit numbers waiting in line to enter the world, that’s enough to fill a couple servers servers, which is why we’re bringing servers online and encouraging folks to move.

That’s nice, Ion, except it is patently false. One cannot “move” without a character transfer, which are not available in Classic. One can only destroy and create.

What that should read is:

…which is why we’re bringing servers online and encouraging folks to forget what we told them to do earlier, abandon everything they’ve done, scrap their characters into the ether, start new ones on a different realm with whatever name choices you have at our disposal, and if you manage by some miracle to get all your guild mates to do the same, cross your fingers, throw salt over your shoulder, and whisper a prayer to whatever deity you deem worthy that we won’t bone you on your new realm like we did on your prior. It’ll work this time; we promise."

Since you asked.

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Im am trying to log into the rppvp server and that has a 2hr plus queue

During ArcheAge’s launch I had to wait 12+ hours queues, unstable servers, bugs.
You guys are complaining because probably you never really a MMORPG release.
Guild Wars 2 had huge queues and then other huge queues to join WvW.
Star Wars TOR had huge queues too.
TERA was the same thing.
BDO was nuts.
Even god damn Bless Online was a mess.
Actually I cant remember a launch that didn’t have huge queues.

Again, for the last time, WoW Classic’s release is VERY smooth compared to A LOT of mmorpg releases. AND WoW Classic is way more anticipated than all of those games.

So chill, guys, chill.

If you’re not happy, just go play another game, go back to retail or wait a few months, lol.

You don’t really have to wait for the queue you know, it’s not like you have to do it or you die.

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Actually that’s factually incorrect,

Multitude of servers had ques during naming. (Herod was 10k+).

Hype will wear down man, it happens TO EVERY GAME, not only MMORPG’s. WoW is not an exception. Just chill bro, you are getting waaay over your had and saying stuff without thinking.


Komcrush or w/e was the lowest pop pvp server last night. Today at 5pm it was an hour queue. it will be more this weekend. yes there may be new servers but that means i have to reroll due to the failures of them not making enough servers at the start

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Compared to what are a lot of smaller names in your list?

Yet they only had 3 servers up for name reservations and are STILL dropping the ball after adding dozens more. Yes, it was highly anticipated in everyone’s eyes except for blizzard apparently.

And let’s not pretend like this is a new game. It’s the old game with a few layers of polish. The fault is complete incompetence in preparation for the flux, not “design.”

You people are absurd. They warned you there would be queue times on high population servers. The only way to avoid them would be to open up many, many more servers - the majority of which would be dead within a year.

The “hardcore” experience you supposedly wanted has been out for 24 hours and you’re already crying your eyes out over problems inherent to its design that you were all supposedly fine with.

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Blizz has invested countless resources and time promoting the current iteration of WoW as an Esport.

the fact players are choosing Classic over modern WoW must terrify those in upper management! the popularity of Classic threatens their bottom line, and can not be allowed to happen.

In deliberately failing to accommodate players with adequate servers, Blizz is clearly sabotaging the launch of Classic in order to force players to stick with their current dumbed down, mall version of WoW, because it is their cash cow.



This is like vanilla launch. So much QQ.

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I’d say that the number of people that have resubbed just for this has already made them more money than they spent putting it together. “Classic” has made them money… they just gained millions of lost customers and they don’t even have to update it if they choose not too. Besides, what makes you think that they won’t come along with a TBC patch later down the line for those that want to play it. Or a “Classic Plus” of some form to keep it going?

We were warned a week and a half AFTER they had let thousands upon thousands of players already roll on those servers.
What they SHOULD have done… Is shut down the first few servers when they got to capacity, instead of continuing to let people overflow it. You know, the servers they TOLD US to roll on a week before if we wanted our Guilds to be able to roll together.

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To early to draw any conclusion on anything. We’re two days in and two days into WoD it was awesome, two days into BFA was awesome. Just simply making money isn’t always enough. Its not like the servers are going anywhere now but if Classic is staying the way it is and they might do a classic+ xpac every 2-3 years…still not going to be a bigger concern to them than making new boxes. Because they will expect you to patron anything warcraft like they always have.

Honestly it would be sad to see warcraft die on this hill people seem to want. The idea of never getting anything new warcraft related sucks. Its bad for the brand as whole for that to happen. All it will do is give each camp less in the end.

Although I didn’t play anything after TBC so I don’t know what the other launches were like. But I find it seriously hard to believe that those launches featured the majority of people not actually being able to log into the game for those 2 days afterwards you speak of.
That’s what we have now… more people trying to get in, than actually playing.

You did, some of us are rolling with many others in mind as well. Glad you subbed and only had yourself to worry about though.