Blizzard: Ignorantly eager to kill all the success of Classic

“Eager” does.

I think you underestimate people’s desire to “start all over, from the beginning…”. A beginning that a lot of them never saw to begin with.
Will there be a drop off of players? Of course. But I don’t think it’s going to be the drop off Blizzard is expecting. Unless they create a self fulfilling prophecy of it’s doom by not letting people actually play the game, and driving them away before they get “hooked” all over again by insane queues.


That only implies that they are doing it with enthusiasm, ignorantly.

So explain to me how someone can be ignorant about something while also being enthusiastic about doing it?

Enthusiastic would implicate that there’s an acknowledgement in what’s happening. “Ignorantly eager” sounds like a high school sophomore’s attempt at sounding smart in a poorly written essay.

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OP is just throwing emotive words in because he thinks it makes him sound more profound. He’s not thinking about what they mean and how they work together.

200 posts, worked pretty well.

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didn’t read way too much… is it just someone else mad that there is a queue on like 1/10th of the servers?

Mad? Our whole community that was going to play together is now staggered in levels and splintering off because we did exactly what Blizzard told us to do. Yeah, a tad upset.

Yes, let the conspiracy theories flow…muahahaha…yes…yes…

Sooooooooooooo… How many years do we get to keep saying this before the guy has to brush up his resume?

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If playing together at the same level is so important to you and your friends, why are some playing when others aren’t? Isn’t that selfish of them to level while their dear friends are in a queue?

Dog eat dog. We had a plan on what we would be doing. For some of us it didn’t change, for others, we won’t see the light of day at this rate.

there’s a small percentage of our playerbase that just cannot be positive and objective. And honestly, I feel sorry for you guys. If you don’t want to wait on a queue, pick a different server. If you make the choice to sit through the queue to get on your streamer love server that’s your choice… don’t flame blizzard for your bad choices. my server “deviate delight” has no queue’s and never has.


Some of us have went to other servers, leaving our grp and we do not play on a streamer server. We avoided them for this reason.

Small games? Dude, I can guarantee you that Pearl Abyss is no small company, neither XL Games / Trion Worlds. And I don’t even have to mention NCsoft and EA’s size and worth. Also, Bluehole is a monster in Korea.
You just need to study more the asian market before saying “small stuff”.
The world is not made only of Americas lol

And again, you focused on the wrong thing, I guess you have problems with text interpretation and reading.

I compared the QUEUES of these games and WoW, not the size, company etc.

You really should chill and read a little bro

Yeah, I don’t get it, I ran into my first queue last night on Pagel of 25 minutes.

At this point I genuinely think it’s an ego thing for the devs.

Why else would they continually double down on the design philosophy in retail wow which has been blatantly failing and causing the game to haemorrhage subs since wotlk ended? There is no way they are making more money off wow now than they did back then.

You seem very angry now. Typical.

What YOU are failing to realize is relative size. You are comparing Blizzard to your “muh korea company” which doesn’t even matter when you are comparing the release of a 15 year old game from a company that ALREADY RELEASED IT BEFORE, and should know how to avoid this, to fresh releases.

But stay mad.

Give it a few months

I’m guessing you don’t work in games, tech or any creative field.