Blizzard, if you don't make your next blue post about how sharding is NOT going to be in the game

To be honest, next blue post should be about release date.

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Sure I can, watch me.

I haven’t played since 80% of the way through WOTLK so I don’t have firsthand experience on it - but I trust what I’ve seen from a number of linked sources here on the forums, videos, thorough (not insane) discussions etc.

If you can’t be bothered to search on it it’s 0 skin off my nose.

Then what you just said is nothing but nonsense. If you can’t prove it nor even simply refer to the instance you are talking about then what you say is worthless.

There has never been a case where blizzard said “This sharding is only for a limited time and then never again” and then lied about it. Prove me wrong.


Sharding going to save the beginning area…

Sharding going to save a raid in major city…

Sharding going to save a load of ppl at MC getting ganked…

Sharding… sharding… where is everyone.,.

Sharding… you let happen once is it truly gone?

Is it? What if no sharding. A terrible first week? Crazy memories???

You add sharding, when will it end???
Will it really end??? So, promise you will not curse Blizz when u don’t see ppl?

Then I think anyone that is for sharding is genius… it’s like saying it’s only one time… victims say that. Never is and you’re fooling yourself.

You know with a system like Sharding in place. One day Blizzard could sell Classic Enhanced, basically allow players to pay more so they have their own shards and can farm/level/play in a smaller group than their main server.

Basically, Sharding is dangerous to have at all in a game that wasn’t designed for it.

Now THIS is full tin foil hat




well nr 1 keep that out off classic.

nr 2 yes pls, wow is getting way to complex and painfully large.
Time for it to evolve.
Warcraf -> world off warcraft -> worldcraft?

Keep life, keep classic and add world craft.
A place where Actiblizz provides a base games, based upon warcraft and it,s lore.
Where people can ‘rent’ ‘buy’ a server and personalise it by checking boxes.

flight yes/no
sandbox 1 2 3 4 5 themepark
etc etc

And the genral publick desides on what server to join, one that suits there playstyle.
They pay actiblizz for the base game, and some more to the server owner/ boss depending on what there offering.

Tinfoil hat enough?

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I cant wait to steal all the boars from you and watch you sit at level 1 for 6 hours

Nor does being phased into a zone that is full of mobs… the exact same as instant spawns on a heavy pop server… only difference is that the people you play with… are actually there… and stay there.

Is it the same as vanilla? No. But I have experienced a server with 12000 players at launch. It was a blast… Phasing to a CRZ and watching a bunch of other players dissolve away? No thanks!

Its not being lazy, its called they aren’t rocket scientists… to even think that if “we accept sharding for the few hours or days that they have said would only impact” and follow it up with “your just lazy and want my money and blah blah blah” your just an anarchist. If you cant handle the sharding so servers can smoothly run at launch, then don’t play period. Matter of fact, go play roblox. Stop being an anarchist and use your logical brain that god gave you for a reason.

Also sharding is negotiable when in fact, it wont effect your gameplay much at all… if its in beginner zones, what do you care? people like you are so disgusting and YOU are what will classic, not anybody else who has TRUE passion for the game as its entirety… YOU will kill it and that is non-negotiable

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Your source is outdated, I get it… its from around the time closer to vanilla and all that. But lets talk about facts, if youre talking and defending the fact that sharding in beginner zones is fine as a limited time feature; I agree with you. If not, it wont effect your gameplay outside of the beginner level zones. Past that is where the real adventures begin

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Get over yourself dude. You’re a dude in his late 20s, 30s, or even 40s demanding things from a video game developer re-releasing a game. Your one subscription doesn’t matter to them considering people will play this regardless.


Truth is, he’ll be playing either way.


Smh. Its only for the fanflood after launch. When numbers dwindle to its dedicated player base sharding will be phased out.

Stomping your feet and demanding " or else!" is pointless.


Sharding is bad, yes. But you are acting like a child.


So long as blizzard holds true to sharding no more then elwynn/durotar/etc I’ll be fine.
I have concerns about it creeping into being used for holidays, aq launch, and anytime blizzard deems it necessary

So why do people think there will be 800 people fighting over 1 mob or 500.
Blizzard isn’t going to open up 1 shard for everyone to be piled on, are they?

Can’t these people just leave the starting zone and level up from exploration in order to get to 5+ zone.

No. Exploration doesn’t offer much XP.

Classic without sharding is the Classic Killer. You’ll have dead realms in a month.