Blizzard hires you to design a million dollar cash shop mog

Full on steampunk.

Lots of long duster type coats, cogs, gears and buckles. And top hats, bowlers and similar styles for helms. Everything would look posh and high class. There’d be monocles and canes. Armor colors wouldn’t be all over the place - they’d be in basic blacks, browns and blues, and would look very streamlined.


More spikes and horns to make people who complain about them cry.

Only then will my rage be sated.

…this is sarcasm. Just in case folks don’t pick up on that.

I’d just offer up the unique outfits and mogs of popular canon characters like Thrall, Jaina, Anduin, etc and put them up on the shop. Sets that -completely- bypass armor restrictions.

Screw lore consistency and all that. You want to look like Grom Hellscream but dressed but play a priest? 20$ and that dream is a reality. Flowing robes like Jaina but you’re a sneaky sneak rogue? A handful of dead presidents and you too can stabby stab but look good—if they see you. :+1:t6:

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Same, 100%.

Regular legs for mechagnomes.

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An outfit based upon Geralt’s Kaer Morhen outfit. in Witcher 3. Low fantasy, simple, and stylish.

A version of the Void Elf wings as a back piece, rather than glued to the chest.

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Just one mog?? PFFFFFT.


I make multiple mogs. Awesome, player equippable versions of the entire Nightborne outfit list, the Night Elf Sentinel Archer outfit, Warden armor, and a dinosaur transmog.

All in the same mog pack.

And for only 5 bucks.



Don’t watch the video it ruins the joke but it’s a cute video I actually used to love these videos

I watched the first like, second, don’t worry. I got it!

How many times did I type video in my last post. I need to sleep.

You’re fine! But perhaps sleep is a good idea if it’s really late over on your end o:

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I’m definitely putting real world logos on in-game items. Underwear Armor t-shirts! McDunkle’s offhands for casters! Tyche brand boots! It’ll be a cash bonanza!

Pink one-piece/bikini for women. Pink trunks/speedos for men.

Well, I think making a really amazing looking set tied to the cash store would cause more outrage and drive more money away from the game than it could attract.

I’m hoping they stick to their trend of making cash transmog items either really kitschy or really ugly, and in that vein, I think it would be a good time for some lederhosen.


The Speedo has to have sack physics.


I would’ve created a clown transmog.


They could literally just put Tyrande’s dress on the shop and make mountains of cash


It’d just be Chris Metzen’s flesh turned into a skin suit. I’d buy it.