Blizzard hires you to design a million dollar cash shop mog

Lore character outfits (Genn’s outfit, Nathanos’ outfit, Anduin’s armor, etc) that are standard on male characters and slooty on females.


A Diablo 4 Lilith transmog set, something that’ll aesthetically look different from any other existing sets.

We’ll attach this set to the 6 month sub for a limited time, say two months. However, we’ll also allow people to obtain this set by pre-ordering the collectors edition of Diablo 4 up until release. Then afterwards throw it in the cash shop for $20.

See, the key to any successful cash shop item is having it be different from anything else obtainable in game. Want it? Fork over the cash. People hate when Blizz does this but it’s a good method business-wise.

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Fishing outfit transmog that goes along with a fishing boat mount/toy. The boat is a small motorboat that you can sit, move around, and fish in while on the water. The outfit comes with a tackle box off-hand that provides a bait buff every little bit.


A transmog that makes you look better than everyone else in game adding 100 items levels to your character and letting you one shot level 58-60 warmode players

Full frontal nudity.


Wrathion’s boots.

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Spectacles are a winner for sure. Anything with high heels as well – Tyrande & Callia have them, where are ours???

A set with a pair of gloves that had some animation tied to them, eg shuffling cards from hand to hand, would be cool.

I think they could achieve with this a suite of classic fantasy archetype outfits – bard, gambler, knight, jester, brawler, etc. Stuff with a few wild/‘out there’ pieces mixed with versatile bits (e.g. the sprite darter gloves and belt).

They probably can’t do this but I’d love a helm mog that was just a pipe or cigar.

Trench and dress coats of varying styles. Elegant, appealing, and best of all simple.


A fanny pack.


I’m not even as into fishing in this game as I used to be and I still felt a powerful need in the molten core of my soul for this.

An adventurer’s backpack, with attached cloak underneath.

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One of those cute little top hats that doesn’t make your hair vanish.


A robe getup that is a robe and not a dress. Something open on the front from the waist down like Jaina’s got. Make it come in several colors.

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A cloak/cape that goes over the wearer’s shoulders.


A gold-plated bucket placed over one’s head.

Twin pistols to replace rifles.


imma take jainas model for robes, nice top hat and some nice lookin pants/skirt

in pink, for breast cancer awareness
so now you HAVE to buy it or you dont care about breast cancer


Edible underwear. Must remain seated while eating. If you spend at least 10 seconds eating you will become well fed and gain… mmmmhm. :kissing_closed_eyes:

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Martin Fury

Cat ears and tails.