Blizzard, help us build up new potential raiders

As a non-raider, I think the OP’s idea isn’t horrible. However, certain things over the years makes me doubt Blizzard would ever do something like this. The developers expect players to cooperate and teach each other. It doesn’t help, though, that they’ve been neglecting guilds for some time now. But that’s a subject for a different thread, such as this one:

I mostly agree with this observation:

I don’t believe it’s the “majority of good players” who feel this way. It’s more like, the majority of players who think they’re good. Truly good players are people who want to build a team, and are willing to help train others. Unfortunately, such players are far from the majority.

I do think Blizzard’s constant habit of building up FOMO rewards contributes towards many players impatience with those who need help grasping mechanics. People want to earn the reward before it’s removed, and they don’t feel they have time to train anyone. Once a guild has mastered a fight, there is no incentive for them to teach anyone else. There is, however, plenty of incentive to sell runs for gold, where the player buying the run learns virtually nothing about how to raid.

I’m not advocating removing the ability to sell runs, but suggesting there may be a way to encourage good raid teams to help train others. Find a way to reward players specifically for helping others, and you’ll have a way to get more players into raiding.