Blizzard, help us build up new potential raiders

TLDR please? thanks

TLDR : He wants Blizzard to train new potential raiders in a solo scenario, so he and his buddies can find an excuse to reject new raiders without guilt, and he doesn’t have to waste time screening new members for his team.
“Dude, you don’t have the training achievement, you can’t raid with us”.


Ahhh so hes toxic. got it


This is an unrealistic expectation. The state of the world is sad and unfortunately humans on average are incapable of this type of behavior as long as anonymity exists.

Stupid idea. Don’t quit your day job op.

All this post is, is another backhanded spit on lfr.
If people dont leave lfr its for a number of reasons, many of which none of us are under any obligation to inform you or anyone on. Just stop already.


We need “Learning to raid” but not a force participation. That can be done with lfr.

You would need the ai to be so overtuned they would kill the boss even if the player afk’d, just wouldn’t work

An AI can help but can’t kill the boss and more likely would be timed .if the person is afk and just allow the AI to kill it if the person doesn’t even hit a set point it will reset.

Raid guilds recruit all the time. A lot pick up people already using LFG for premade groups. How should they start dragging the non-raiders in?

Raider dot io exists in any case. Multiple cats are out of the bag.

I think that there need to be major guild improvements, many of them.
A guild LFR run should be so rewarding that it is common, typical and wonderful to run on Tuesday night after reset. There should be things that we can earn, so easily, that boost our performances in higher raids (token upgrades, I think; we’ve seen this).
The guild experience has been ignored way too long by Blizzard.

Way back when, the LFR was new. We had a small group of eight that would meet outside of Stormwind and we’d buff up. We’d use that EAT ME food that turned us into pirates. It was very fun and we all looked forward to it every week. The step to normal raiding was not a big one back then.

As a non-raider, I think the OP’s idea isn’t horrible. However, certain things over the years makes me doubt Blizzard would ever do something like this. The developers expect players to cooperate and teach each other. It doesn’t help, though, that they’ve been neglecting guilds for some time now. But that’s a subject for a different thread, such as this one:

I mostly agree with this observation:

I don’t believe it’s the “majority of good players” who feel this way. It’s more like, the majority of players who think they’re good. Truly good players are people who want to build a team, and are willing to help train others. Unfortunately, such players are far from the majority.

I do think Blizzard’s constant habit of building up FOMO rewards contributes towards many players impatience with those who need help grasping mechanics. People want to earn the reward before it’s removed, and they don’t feel they have time to train anyone. Once a guild has mastered a fight, there is no incentive for them to teach anyone else. There is, however, plenty of incentive to sell runs for gold, where the player buying the run learns virtually nothing about how to raid.

I’m not advocating removing the ability to sell runs, but suggesting there may be a way to encourage good raid teams to help train others. Find a way to reward players specifically for helping others, and you’ll have a way to get more players into raiding.

I don’t think majority of people have issues with mechanics. More so either the bad apples of the bunch, scheduling, voice, etc… anxiety… all kinda builds that comfort zone which a simulator of sorts wouldn’t help cause it doesn’t factor in those outliers.

I like the ideas, but imo raiding won’t pick up steam again with players until they remove lfr and rethink the raid design to compete with the other titles with big raid scenes.

Modern players (besides the current raiding enthusiasts) don’t want to invest 4 hours a night to raid.

The difficulty isn’t the factor that drives players away, but it is the time sink.

Trash in raids can be reduced or removed, players should be able to respawn automatically at the boss on a wipe without wipe protection and the balance philosophy needs to go back to bringing the player and not the class so that the meta can be reduced (it will never be removed).

If they want to ramp all this up for mythic, then fine as that’s not the majority of the playerbase.

Normal and heroic can use some major tweaks to keep the players time in the design philosophy.


They definitely need to redesign LFR to be more of a “Learn to raid” or “Story Mode”. Possibly even both. One for those interested in actually learning to raid (Maybe even just make it the same one, like they’ve done with the new starting zone) and a solo/small group “Story Mode” for those that don’t care about raiding they just want to experience the area, story, whatever.