Blizzard hates PvP and PvPers

Nope, nor do I think I am. I’m wrong quite often. Seems like you might be projecting that onto me, given that your response to anyone, not just myself, acknowledging your use of one of the most established forms of logically faulty arguments, was to freak out on them (and apparently stalk them to other threads?). Buh bye now. :kissing_heart:

this post could have been written 15 years ago, and it was just as much mostly empty complaining then as it is now

UO just can’t be compared to WoW in terms of PvP, its combat is basic but the way its played is just different.

Closet comparison to WoW PvP would be things like DAOC/Warhammer Online/SWTOR and Rift…

and in that case…DAOC and WAR were vastly superior to anything pvp wise WoW has offered yet…i’d even say Rift at the start was superior as well and SWTOR with huttball is simply better then most of the things WoW has released.

But yea…WoW can’t hold a candle in terms of pvp to DAOC and WAR.

PvP was more “balanced” once arena came into play. Their “balance” only got out of hand when they decided bring the player not the class and homogenized everything, but that wasnt because of arena.

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I hate em too. Not a I wish you didn’t exist kind of hate, but a “brussel sprout” kind of I’d be happier if I never saw one again.

No. Arenas came out because they wanted it to be an esport. They simply tested for two seasons before actually doing it.

owner of the north brit road here.

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