Blizzard has preyed on a minority (feral)

I’m on the druid discord. I’m in the #wotlk-feral-dps channel. What info, precisely are you referring to?

Can you provide any details here? If I question this, can you provide me a way to verify it?

No kidding.

EDIT: Here’s a video with a bit of a breakdown of the change:

Summary of Video

Glyph of Omen of Clarity was changed. Still procs Omen of Clarity with Faerie Fire, but now also decreases all phys dmg by 5%

They originally nerfed the Naturalist Talent from 10% to 5%, but had to walk it back, because it additionally affected PvP and Tanks.

He notes that the original post addressing this mentions threat being an issue from bearweaving:

And questions why they choose Faerie Fire (with a 6 second cd) to proc OoC, and not something like say Cower which is already a threat reduction, and has a 10 second cd…

He further notes that the change wasn’t intended as a buff to feral, but rather the get rid of bearweaving, because the mechanical complexity was higher than they thought it should be, and the threat generation was too high, and notes that while the change removes bearweaving, ferals still generate a lot of threat so he calls this change an overall failure.

He also notes that it should not be a surprise that this nerf was coming.

And here is a link to a spreadsheet with links to all the sims:


It’s an unnecessary change and it isn’t fun.