Blizzard has official announce fire/nature immunities in molten core and later phase 4 is still in game

hope you like your affliction spec mark of chaos cause destruction warlock fire, mages ele elemental shamans gonna suck so hard m8 and boomkins omg

this means only 5 specs actually usable in raiding rip warlock

you brought a fire mage to a fire elemental bossfight?


source of this?


they said it offically go look it up

Do you have a link because aggrend mentioned that they will most likely not have immunities and such here:

https : // x . com /AggrendWoW/status/1802072391390249442

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Yes, I agree Bone. Go look it up, and then show the class. Make sure you bring functioning links.

Or you can go away Bone.


well blizzard changed there mind there keeping it. note the most likely? not defy we talkin about blizzard here. no reason have any hope in mr sexual harssement joined up with activision mr mt. think they give crap about community hell no whats next them adding wow token to classic wow to battle rmt or bringing in gdkps back


This is the typed equivalent of a toddler throwing a tantrum when caught in a lie.


only the truth no one wants play warlock. cause warlock gets no love from blizzard only really good pvp no matter the consumes you use no matter world buffs. affliction warlock can only do so much even if perfected there rotation

crap is still crap thx for that blizzard

Bonestyrm thread btw


I seem to have stumbled into the ramblings of a mad man.


“I think going into SoD we thought it sounded interesting for certain things about certain tanks to be unique or for individual tanks to have drawbacks or strengths and I think in a poitential future version of classic that is a bit more grounded in # fewerchanges vanilla we might explore that design again, but I can’t really see a world where we say “you can’t tank this raid at all”, at least not right now in SoD. One tank may be better at certain things than others (I suspect you’ll still prefer a ranged/lock tank and a 2nd tank who can block on demand for twin emps, for example), but I suspect we’ll tune most of the raid content at 60 to allow for pretty much any combination of tanks, especially with the smaller raid sizes.

This is one of those things that looked good in the abstract, but our perception has changed a lot since we launched SoD. Our original vision for lock, shaman, and rogue tanks was “lets make more tanks to fill your 5 man spot if you are short” but seeing how enthused and invested some folks got about the new tanks, its a tough sell to say “eh sorry most of your buttons just won’t work in here.””


Giving up what makes the game more immersive in order to appease everyone, this sounds familiar some how…


its more than just a class or two.

druids cant use wrath on the earth eles.
mages cant use fire spells (this hasnt changed anything if they keep it).
locks cant be fire spec or tank any of the fire immunes.
shaman are double screwed as tanks or any spec due to immunities on the earth eles AND fire immune mobs.

thats 7 specs that are completely useless if this goes in with the immunities.

thats too much.


Could you imagine melees if they made the elementals immune to corresponding physical damage?

You brought a sword instead a hammer to hurt an Earth ele?
(While the sword loses 10% durability per hit)

You brought wooden arrows to a fire elemental? you might as well be healing him…


Oh darn, and people are totally unable to change their spec with dual specialization. They’re locked into those fire-based specs FOREVER.


i know right. they begged and pleaded for dual spec and they won’t even use it :expressionless: just ridiculous

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Well, you know, nobody else has to change their spec around for raids, right? Just those poor mages and warlocks and boomkins. Nobody else is forced into a single spec in this game to maximize their DPS output, or healing, or whatever …

Oh wait, almost every class has one vastly better performing spec? So this is merely about people wanting to maintain their rank in the pecking order?

Have these people never played classic before? Or is their idea of “plus” just “my FOTM is the best!”

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I don’t even think warlocks have a non-fire build for tanking…their threat is from searing pain. Not sure though.

This is just more unhinged banter from the top raid DPS every phase wanting to still be top raid DPS.

And they will be, but it’s not going to stop them from preemptively dumping on every other class.