Blizzard has official announce fire/nature immunities in molten core and later phase 4 is still in game

Why are you even playing this game? Go do something you actually enjoy. You said all that about how horrible Blizzard is, yet you’re here posting. Make up your mind.

go beat a sword on a rock or swing it through fire and see what it does to the blade. “immersive btw”

If its made by a competent blacksmith, with proper edging and forged with durability in mind with a person who doesnt flat slap things or think parrying is a direct negation of momentum would have no problem slashing at a rock for a while before the edge went dull.

Blades also undergo tempering, so pushing a blade through fire will do little.

Magma? Yeah thatll melt it quick, but you gotta remeber these things are forged inside of hotter fires than some random blast

  1. it isn’t going to do anything significant to the rock
  2. as you kindly pointed out the edge will still go dull.
  3. there’s nothing “immersive” about it just an arbitrary restriction on certain classes/specs

If you really want to get into it, swords like quell’serrar are literally forged with the magical flames of a demi god dragon.

There aint much that can ruin that blade.

Also some are made out of whats called “elementium”, basically wows Adamantium but magical.

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magical sword vs magical rock/fire. how’s it any different?

Its imposing real life situations, so its doing its immersive job quite well.

Swords magic is stronger.

??? who cares this just creates a situation of excluding people. something they have made changes to combat in gnomer and something they should change here.

The thing about adventures within a psuedo D&D environment means things can happen that you cannot deal with or cannot control unless you change your ways or switch up your technique (in this case, your spec).

Comes with the territory.

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we have systems in place for this already… it’s called repairing :roll_eyes:

Bwahaha look at all the people that took the troll bait.

Did i just have a stroke? Can you make your posts a bit more clear friend?

Was gonna link this but you already did.

You can tell by reading that they are definitely removing immunities.

no no no thats kinda lie still in game still in brd and have do brd to molten core. and shown also videos that not mention made like no changes to items

head masters charge and ancient bow that need better stats come on blizzard stop being lazy

I think you need to slow down on the substance abuse.

The way you write literally hurts to read. Put a concise thought together please lol.

You mean like arms vs fury warrior
Or prep pvp spec rogue versus assass pve rogues

People change specs all the time to go raid be it pve to pve spec or pvp to pve spec.