Blizzard has lost sight on what an RPG is

I felt the same way when I read that, OP.

Just keep negating the benefit of having gear. Maybe they’ll remove gear altogether one day!

At least then i don’t have to be mad about casino titanforges, I guess?

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It’s for PvP only… and that’s fine, you’re not supposed to feel superior at PvP.


It’s definitely still profitable, just not as much as the braindead mobile market.

The general population stepping into games, with nerd culture becoming more mainstream, has a lower bar and looser wallet than the previous main crowd of gamers who are demanding from a quality standpoint and stingy with purchases.

Asia also contributes a lot to this, becuase many of them use their phones as their primary computing device, instead of an actual PC, so they’re limited in what they can even attempt to enjoy.

*PvE mobs in a PvP setting, which I’d argue AV is more a raid sim race with PVP sprinkled in.

Blizzard step it up. The Good/Bad cycle is not acceptable. As the last great hope for the MMORPG genre i expect every xpac to be good. If you don’t think so then I will move on to something else!

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The stupid iLevel scaling is one of the three reasons my Sub is ending in 5 days.

What’s the point in progression, when there is no pregression??? How stupid can the Devs’ be? I get better gear but I actually become weaker and I die more often to mobs? That is NOT fun at all.


Once you get 120 with mediocre gear you start to once again scale past mobs.

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No arpgs are way different.

For instance, I’ve never fallen asleep to any arpg. I’ve definitely fallen asleep to WoW.

And 2, WoW is turn based so defacto, cannot be arpg.

**Action role-playing video games are a subgenre of role-playing video games. The games emphasize real-time combat where the player has direct control over the characters as opposed to turn or menu-based combat. **

Definition from search

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Oh man, you must really like AV then. Because that’s the only thing this will affect.

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‘Slooooooow down!’ - blizz’s current motto. Even m+ are slower.

Patch Notes 9.0:

  • We will be removing the two factions and replacing them with a traditional Dungeons & Dragons alignment system. See chart…

Or maybe Player’s have lost sight of what an RPG is and can only see an RPG as their idealized view of what an RPG should be based solely upon personal opinion.

Take Skyrim as a good example. The world scales with you but you continue to feel stronger and grow as a character. You continue to feel like you progress in that game even with its scaling.

Strength is not black and white but more of a grayscale, a character can grow stronger without being able to one shot or easily trivialize content, especially current content. Growth can be expressed in different ways than the simple binary ideology of old.

Not to mention, situations/scenarios such as BG’s are a bit different than a traditional RPG setting. Its a competition against players and over geared players can easily tip the scale into unfair advantages for one side over another in a situation that is suppose to be more player skill based as opposed to general number domination.


One person isn’t a community.

Just for future reference.

I feel a real RPG does not consist of spamming the same World Quests over and over again, the same Island Expeditions, the same Warfronts (that can’t result in defeat), day in and day out. The pillars that hold up BFA as an expansion are shaky and unfulfilling. Once a player has finished every quest in the new zones they’re done. I feel there is a lack of content - real content. For example, there could be things for max level players to do out in the old world of Azeroth. There are so many zones that could be utilized for fun, engaging, rewarding world content or scenarios.

The raids are fun for a clear or two and, personally, after achieving AOTC each tier, I’m done until the next tier. The PVP needs work (class and trinket balancing). I do a lot of M+ with friends and guildies - I suppose that’s what keeps me around. And the hope that WOW will feel more like an RPG in the next installment, whether it be a patch or expansion. But as the game stands now it seems like I’m logging in every day to do chores. Lets just say I’m looking forward to Classic very, very much. /clap :cow:

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What you’re saying is also your opinion why does it make it better?
Scaling is fine up to a point, an enemy shouldn’t outscale you which happens in BFA leveling because you lose more than you gain and enemy stat gain grow at each level at an alarming rate.

Strengh isn’t black and white but there’s nothing in the game right now that let you go out of that number bound. Professions are worthless, fishing/archeology are more boring than Legion. Tmog/pets/mounts/title only cater to certain people. Reputations are horrid and story about those couldve been way more developped.

As for pvp, lot of people would prefer no scaling. I’m not agaisn’t giving a baseline ilvl boost to really low ilvl but high ilvl shouldn’t be scaled down, that just create weird optimal gear because of traits/gem slots/stats scaling.

The problem is also that the gain now of power is also stupidly high with each new raid, if we gained less power there would be less problem in pvp and wpvp.

Lol which Npcs say these? I’ve heard it at least 4000 times lol

I completely agree,the ilvl scaling in pve and pvp have completely killed my desire to actually play the game, if my sub wasn’t set up for a long time from playing legion and grinding gold, I would have unsubed a long time ago. Ilvl scaling is the #1 thing that made my entire friends list stop playing, because as you say, they say whats the point.

Its really sad to see this happen, in one of the few playable mmorpgs on the market.

As has already been stated this only applies to Alterac Valley and is, in my opinion, a good change. It would be great if AV could eventually get back to its origins.

I find scaling overall to be fine. Maybe I just don’t pay attention but I’ve leveled 9 characters to 120 now and have never felt like my power was going backwards.

This specific change in this hotfix, sure, but it’s already in other parts of the game and who knows where it will be tuned up next. The problem is the design decision itself, not this specific instance of it.

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This specific change is literally the entire point of this thread and why you are stating “Blizzard has lost sight on what an RPG is”.

What exactly is the design decision that is the problem in this instance? The design decision to balance AV?