The latest and greatest, fresh off the hotfixes:
We’re modifying the scaling in the zone to make creatures more difficult for players at high item-levels.
Somewhere along the line, the dev’s of old didn’t pass on RPG development knowledge or perhaps those who received the training got kicked out when they let 800 people go and now we are stuck with this shell of a game that you actually lose power as you progress your character. There is tons of evidence of this as we have seen the transition from Legion to BFA, but despite Ion coming here and blowing smoke during the last Q and A, they continue to double down on negating player power growth.
Can someone please explain to me what the point of this game is anymore?
The scaling was the worst thing that could possibly happen in blizzard … The feeling of getting new gear and feeling awesome is gone … Now you get a piece with 1 str and 1 more stamina as you level up, but since monsters scale with you, you are in fact less stronger than 1 lvl before because you only had 1 more new piece and would need to change them all to be back at where you were.
Now they are going to keep doing this with iLvl ? what the point of gearing yourself ? … are they going to do that in pvp as well someday ?
Classis rpg elements have long been removed from wow sadly. Its more of an arcade style, button mash, casino rng, loot raining from the sky sim now.
This is misleading these changes only affect Alterac Valley
Fake news, this is for a battleground, alteric valley is getting these changes all the time.
So the BG that is almost like a mini pve game, with a ton of NPCs you kill…is having its NPCs balanced/tweaked
This is horrible.
What is also horrible is how hard it was to find this information after the OP tried to paint this in a different light.
I don’t think Blizzard lost sight of what an RPG is, I think the entire industry no longer thinks classic RPG type stuff is profitable. Maybe they’re right. Who knows.
The scariest part is there are people wanting a clvl squish on top of this.
Also, pretty sure it was already implemented for bfa in general when bfa dropped or soon there a bouts
More proof that the community is deliberately spreading misinformation to harm their own game.
You are not supposed to outgear the NPCs in a PvP battleground when those NPCs are the objective. The games play much better when it requires teamwork to take them out rather than them being wet noodles.
These are good changes. Don’t know why you’re trying to mislead people.
RPG ? That existed in WoW ?
Where was this memo and when was it sent 'cause I never got it.
Isn’t that obvious… ?
To collect mounts, achievements, pets, and toys.
Still mad I won’t be able to solo a mine anymore
Depends on what they consider high ilvl - my feral with 390 gear might get parked if I have to hit things many more than the 8 or so times I have to hit a lot of the mobs out there.
They had ilvl scaling all twisted around this expansion so far, it made no sense whatsoever.
The reasons they have to do this mid expansion is the flaw that is player power.
Next tier will see 180 ilvls over the expansion, its a joke, Wrath for all the messing around they did with raid tiers only had 76 ilvls over the entire expansion. Power creep is insane.
This play the patch not the expansion design of Blizzards, ( D3 Seasons hello) where everything gets reset and player power goes through the roof again, it just adds more work for Blizzard playing catch up to a stupid design philosophy that should never have been added to the game in the first place.
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Its about blizzard winning and the player base losing.
WoW isn’t an RPG. It is a mobile/(monetary platform) or it soon will be.
WoW went from a RPG to an Action RPG.
Different strokes for different folks. What some people call tedious, I call immersive and engaging.
I loved traveling about the world on quest that took me to far off lands to speak with new NPCs who sent me into dungeons and across the land again all in a quest to obtain powerful items.
Modern WoW they throw it at ya, pat ya on the back “go get em champ.”