Blizzard Has Jumped The Shark On This One

honestly i think the issue is the culture of those from california which is where the company is based at.


Memes are our new reality.

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I did not, but thanks for outing yourself as transphobic. You hit all the same marks. :3

Yes, people of a status can still hate that same status or be against it, as they’ve proven themselves to be. Should probably seek higher education.

You don’t even know the word for it, and no. Just because I don’t prescribe to your heteronormative views doesn’t mean I am anything of the sort.

…They’re literally trans.


You are delusional.

I would not be surprised if that proved to be the case. California is a… unique… state.


you and the others are being straightphobs


No it’s not because it’s different. You have no idea what it is like to have your gender challenged.

You do not understand the struggle of reading a thread about how you are stupid because your in constant agony.

If you can the understand that you don’t like being identified as body 1 think about what it’s like to be identified as male when you do not present so.

You have never had your masculinity challenged the way a trans man has to prove their masculinity.

Also trans people are not a monolith I can think your opinion is stupid and not represent the entire inclusivity of the trans community

they basically are the complete oposite of most of the united states.


No, it’s not ironic. FFXIV has a very large LGBTQ community, but it doesn’t exclusively pander to them, and they still put out amazing content.

This is completely opposite of WoW’s situation, where the content quality only keeps dropping year after year and instead of focusing on the game- which is what we’re all here for, they pull crap like this.

FFXIV’s devs are amazing and the content they put out is second to none within the context of MMORPGs, and largely singleplayer games as well.

Blizzard on the other hand… I mean we still hope to see a turnaround, but at this point its fairly hopeless.


LMAO that’s your evidence? Ok bud. You’re a very confused individual if you think popular vote equates to gender identity politics. My grandma votes democrat and also thinks your movement is absurd, so…


pushing hate towards straight people again.


You’re literally doing this by removing my choice.

I’m sorry you go through that, but removing my choice doesn’t help you.

You can choose a female body type.

We’re in Warcraft, nobody is challenging your choice.

And I can think of your opinion as stupid and not be a bigot.


iirc, they recently made generators illegal too? What a time to be alive lmao

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Definitely a big true about FF14. It has a way larger left leaning / inclusivity focused community, and yet the devs are way edgier, especially with jokes, than blizzard and do not pander. The game is hyper sexualized (opposite of what blizz is doing to wow) and the players love it.


It’s very ironic, they do a lot of the same things as WoW and even take it to different levels in certain cases. Same thing for Guild Wars.

Either way, WoW still has, and always has had more subs than FFXIV or the other MMORPGs. shrug

Because it’s a male body, why not just call it a male body?


Seriously. Really, seriously. Forget about the context of this thread for a minute. I’m not trying to argue with you at all. Sincerely- if you believe almost any of what you have posted here, you need to get out of your comfort bubble. If a person is being reasonable, even if they vehemently disagree, they can still at least somewhat understand their opponents point of view, Without at least that much empathy, we’d all be doomed. You sound like someone who has been flat out brainwashed tbh. Getting out would only help you.


That’s the second time someone in this thread with an art history degree told me to get a higher education. :rofl:


Pretty sure I do, but it’s up to me to choose how to react. I do not get upset when they do it intentionally. Call me whatever pronouns you want, want to use my birth name instead? Okay that’s fine too. I am confident in who I am and do not need the approval of anyone to be who I am.

I am trying to find a diplomatic response to this, will update later.

Then you deal with it and move on. It happens. Even after 9 years it still happens to me. Some have known me for years before my transition. No part of my life is dead. Those bonds we have are still there. My father has called me “bud” since I was 9 no way would I ever demand he stopped.

I am 5’4" now and in school I was around 5’1" to 5"3" with long hair and a slender build even before I transitioned. When I ran for class president the other person was all “It’s more or the F*******” so that says it all. And you know what? I moved on and got over it. I now have a successful career.

And as part of that community I dislike this change immensely as I find it pandering to the lowest common denominator.

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In my experience, the FFXIV communities aren’t the Californian natsoc (other word isn’t allowed here apparently lol) variety so everyone just likes them more.