Blizzard has done the unthinkable - unite the player base

hahahaha…oh wait, were you serious?

this is why retail gets its famed rush rush rush meme classic people say broke the game.

You level cap with extreme prejudice and speed to break ilevel issues to feel good again. speed level, good gear, game gets good again.

some are going its for raid this will affect open world. it has in retail many years now.

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want to say that again in english?

Sure it does as it impacts the entire discussion. The entry level to raiding 10 man/normal was always designed to be easy.

Heroic 25 mans were always hard and were always only achieved by a few people. All this change does is punish people who participate in the lower difficulties.

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Ilevel affects all gameplay. it makes it slow and burdensome.

you speed level to cap level in retail to fix this.

get the gear that unlocks at level cap.

and now the game works much bettter.

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I don’t see how 10 ilvls is going to be the end of the world.

Across what 13 items? 130 ilvls?

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people need to be max level to do end game content…really?

wow…how unusual

Shouldn’t be an issue for anybody doing normals. Maybe if you are talking Heroic content they might have some close fights.

I remember the first night of each wing in ICC though and it was ridiculously easy. Considering how skilled players are today it will not be a problem.

Referring to ilvl.

Trolls man…

It wasn’t a disagreement with me.

If they get inspired by retail ilevel scaling breaks on a certain value.

Say the scale was 235. At 240 you broke it. now the mobs got way easier. at just +5.

they have made other change like retail…why some are leery here. we’ve seen ths future. You don’t want it.

They aren’t scaling the mobs though, its just the gear.

And how easy was heroic ICC with your raid in ToC gear?

Well we were in ICC gear by the time we got to herioc ICC because thats how the instance works.

So let me get this straight…

You remove running ToC on 4 different difficulties, SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE you didn’t want people to feel forced to run that many raids every week…

but also want to nerf the ilvl of the gear that drops, to force everyone into running ulduar over and over, even during the ToC tier…?

Not buying it.

The far more likely scenario, is the lead dev is a sell confessed GDKP shill and he wants another viable raid to sell carries in every week. Something that is less likely to happen if ToC gear entirely invalidates Ulduar… That’s the thing about GDKP degenerates, they always want more.

As per my thoughts on it:

-Yes Ulduar is a great raid, and yes, ToC kind of sucks… but I’d argue that one of the better things Wrath got right is that you aren’t compelled to keep running older tiers over and over and over and over for some asinine uber rare drop.

If you really want to encourage people to do older content, put transmog into the game, and add Naxx 40 back into EPL… Ulduar in particular has some of the entire game’s best xmogs, and chasing appearances alone will get plenty of people running all sorts of outdated content.


Great you are a progression guild. What about people who aren’t, wrath gave you heroic modes this changes costs them normal modes.

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Thats what the buff is for. It increases every week to make sure non progression guilds eventually kill the bosses.

The changes are getting more invasive. They are at the point where they are screwing with gear progression paths now.

You are also right about the doublespeak they did about merging h and n lockouts but at the same time thinking of strong arming people into running ulduar longer.

Ah so this is why Naxx is also being buffed and it will get the same scaling buff?

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what is easier to fix? Boss health and damage or hundreds of pieces of gear if this falls flat

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