Blizzard has done the unthinkable - unite the player base

They’re already silly easy.

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Not the first time, real-id says hi.

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Well 10 man normals modes are :stuck_out_tongue: but that was by design.

But 10 man normals originally gave higher ilvl than 25 man hard mode Ulduar.

I mean the majority want RDF and they didn’t listen there either…

They seem to insert fingers in their ears and “listen” to the player base.

Pretty sure 10 normal TOGC is 232 and 10HM togc is 245. Normal 25 man toc is 245 and HM 25 is 258.

HM 25 Ulduar will drop 239 items, however those only cover a handful of slots. Your tier will still be 226 and several of your off pieces. HM tier doesn’t become a thing until toc

They pretty much do what they think is right regardless of player feedback. That’s been the MO for years. Occasionally if the decision is controversial internally we can sway them one way or another.

Wrath’s biggest problem was that “heroic modes” and “Elite sets” turned up making the gear gap between content tiers massive.

This was compounded by Blizzard’s insistence on using 13 item level gaps… but this is what happens when all hail satan gets the best of ya.

I mean RDF is still out.

How many surveys and player feedback do they need lmfao.

But who am I to argue with the brilliant makers of games like BFA and Shadowlands.


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The ilvl squish largely came from the original designer in wrath who was unhappy with how it turned out and the massive power creep.

This isn’t a new dev trying to fix “greatness”

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jokes on you friend, they’re never reading that stuff.

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Oh I know.

They did their imaginary “survey”.

Just like they have a faithful recreation of the “test client”

Great, but if you trust whatever the D team might break by doing this, you should try retail.

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The itemlevel squish idea came from one of the original WotLK developers.

Doesn’t matter bc most of the creators are gone. Wouldn’t trust this crew to change any gearing. Easiest job ever, just release Wrath…can’t help themselves.

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What’s wrong with HvH bgs?

Only reason I picked Alliance in the first place was because I wanted instant BG queues, if I knew they were going to give instant queues to the faction that already has the best PvE and PvP racials, I would’ve played Horde from the start.

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And the problem now is just reducing ilvl is not a solution as the content was designed based on those original ilvls.


oh you mean the power creep that was primarily driven by the icc zone buff?..kinda funny they disregard the effect that had on things isn’t it?..don’t believe me? i’m sure there are still logs somewhere comparing dps and hps in icc to dps and hps in ruby sanctum which supports my statement…i mean the devs at the time of catas launch sure loved using them to shut down(and rightly so) peoples complaints early in cata