Blizzard future gender pronoun customization

There is a difference between ’ created ’ and ’ made-up '.


sigh The words are constructed, the things those words describe are not.
Sex/gender is a binary. Anything outside of that is an anomaly/irregularity.


Truth and science.

As mean as this sounds. This comment is reality, some people will never respect it but. It is what it is, as long as blizzard doesn’t remove male or female options I really don’t care if they implement non binary options and to have this discussion blows my mind.

In this context, enlighten me. Creating a new pronoun and making up a new pronoun seem perfectly synonymous.

Created implies a purpose, that it was made to benefit or to describe a real thing.
Made-up is just something akin to imagination. A thing that benefits no real thing, but serves nothing aside from the persons feelings.

Your gender or what you think it should be isn’t my concern.


In English doesn’t sound so bad. How I am scared is in spanish, since words can tend to have masculine and femenine pronouns when it English it’d be one word.

For instance:

Partner and teacher can be used for both genders, but in Spanish is Compañero (for male) and compañera (for female), same for teacher which is Profesor (or Maestro) for male and Profesora (Maestra) for female.

Even a word as simple and broad as “friend” has them, being “Amigo” for male and “Amiga” for female, or Amigue for non gender.

The new language will want to add an E to that, so it’d be “Compañere” for instance. And I’ve already seen people overreacting when they were not called with the E instead.

With how distracted I am, in Spanish I see myself unintentionally offending many people. :man_shrugging:

Why do I think you just ‘made up’ that distinction to suit your own argument.


Wow, that’s a lot of misinformation from people who clearly haven’t a clue what they’re talking about.

What’s sinful here? God doesn’t even choose sex or gender parents have been able to choose their kids sex since the late 1900s

my assumption would be a lack of critical thinking skills. :man_shrugging:

It could be a simple lack of coffee as well.

There are a raft of gender-specific pronouns* out there, inclusive ones, that do not break the language - for some unfathomable reason (probably related to the fact that the post-millennial generation is functionally illiterate as a whole), those were abandoned in favor of using plural pronouns to refer to individual persons.

  • Here is a list of gender-neutral pronouns:

  • He/She – Zie, Sie, Ey, Ve, Tey, E

  • Him/Her – Zim, Sie, Em, Ver, Ter, Em

  • His/Her – Zir, Hir, Eir, Vis, Tem, Eir

  • His/Hers – Zis, Hirs, Eirs, Vers, Ters, Eirs

  • Himself/Herself – Zieself, Hirself, Eirself, Verself, Terself, Emself

Go ahead and make me try to use this list of BS, you are a dude or a chick thats it.


How many people actually use those pronouns, or rather, expect people to use those pronouns, though? Are those official? Like, are they real? I have never heard of them. I have only heard of people wanting to be referred to as “they/them” which is reasonable enough.

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You’re free to do as you please.

I personally know a hermaphrodite (apologies if that word has taken on some hurtful connotations, as I’m using it it’s simply medically accurate) who identified as male most of his life, but recently had surgery to “correct” the defect and chose to retain the female elements that he was born with. While most people are born with a single gender, there are edge cases that are exceptions.

I wasn’t aware of his condition until he shared it with me as well as his decision to (his words) settle on one or the other.

She’s an over the road trucker with a happy life.

Life is not as binary as most people think it is.

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There are a lot of people who use pronouns you just need to go out and meet them. A lot of them are from the city. They are great people and just want to be respected!

In a game where you can mentally play as a virtual female/male opposite of what your gender may be in real life, and with the hair cut changes where you can freely change your gender in game at any time. I don’t see why it needs to be more than that. That’s pretty fluid and very lenient.


Lets be real, most of the time you get referred to by NPCs, they say a title.

Champion, Maw Walker, Hero, Adventurer.


This 100%.

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