So I just got the ring from turning in Nefarion’s head from BWL on my Death Knight. I need to be 63 to use it.
Blizzard: FIX YOUR GAME!
So I just got the ring from turning in Nefarion’s head from BWL on my Death Knight. I need to be 63 to use it.
Blizzard: FIX YOUR GAME!
So you have to wait until next expansion to use it? (Current level cap is 60)
Or Blizzard can fix their game such as making the Soul Man achievement obtainable, where the boss doesn’t get stuck at 1 HP. Lower the level of the ring as it’s from a lvl 30 raid and should be useable by level 30 characters.
I agree.
I personally have seen more bugs with this expansion than any of the previous ones.
As I said, they want us to pay for this crap? Why should we? They’re firing people left and right, most likely people who know what they’re doing. And if they’re not firing the wrong people, they’re forcing the right ones to quit for whatever SJW/Portland reason. All we want is a game that works, one that they’ll balance PVP because the only good alliance races are Human & Night Elves, a game that we can enjoy old content as well as new without it being to glitchy or over attuned 6 years later.
…the esport dudes which were laid off, don’t have anything to do with development or QA.
uh… i just got one of these, and i’m not seeing this.
a quick visit to wowhead would have answered this for you.
outgearing fights can cause issues.
that doesn’t make it a bug.
it means you need to adjust your strategies to prevent breaking scripted fights which are working as intended.
I realized recently that these level 63 bugs are occurring when a character is in Chromie time. Try leaving Chromie time and equipping the item (or to see the true level requirement).
LOLZ, still bugged.
Also found another one that was NEVER fixed from Legion.
Doing the Murlock Play Fight in Mythic Return to Karazhan. Boss bugs out if they reach 1-2 HP. They’re unkillable, the play doesn’t continue. Hearthing is the only answer, luckily I have 4-6 Hearth abilities. But for people who don’t this is really stupid and annoying. Something else you guys should actually fix.
lol that’s not a bug from legion.
it’s a new thing which has reared its head since players have started WAY outgearing the fight.
it’s the same thing which happens with almost every scripted fight ever, when you don’t give it time to play out.
Stop defending, Blizzard. You’re defending the flawed defense of “it’s not a bug, it’s a feature!” Then again, seeing how much you’ve been protecting and defending Blizzard, you’re the type of person who enjoy’s Golden Discipline.
i’m not defending anything…
i just explained how it works.
this isn’t unique to this fight.
it’s a thing which happens when players outgear scripted fights.
take off a few items, or dps slower.
you’re more than welcome to report it as a bug, (as you already have) but just because you “feel” like it’s a bug, doesn’t mean it is.
No, you’re defending them. You’re basically saying “Figure out a way to make their game work. They have more important things to do.” People like you are why people leave in the first place.
In most scripted fights the Soft Foam Sword (or whatever it’s called) does indeed help. But it doesn’t work inside raids. Nor does it work on elites.
And you’re also agreeing with “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!” You have some MIGHTY low standards, then again you’re Horde and your name.
i’m not “basically saying” that at all.
i’m literally saying damage the boss slower.
people who offer helpful suggestions scare people away?
no, i don’t think so.
i’m mostly alliance, actually.
Sure, Jan.
Guess somebody’s use to getting their way all the time~.
Oh, I’m sorry, I like games that aren’t broken, glitchy, buggy, or faulty. I like it when they stop trying to attach more life support on an out-of-date engine and update the engine to something that works. I like games when there are issues and they’re fixed by developers. Not workaround in order to fix something they’re too incompetent and/or lazy to fix themselves. Why should I still require a really geared group of 5-10 people to do full clear Burning THrone & Tome of Sargeras?
You’ve been told how you bug it. You’ve been told how to avoid bugging it. If everyone else is capable of doing it so they don’t bug it, I think you’re just as capable.
The bug shouldn’t exist, period. Going by that logic of “let players figure it out.” C’Thun would still be undefeatable, let alone Ouro or Mythic Blackhand or Fallen Avatar. That’s not a good business model, don’t ever start one yourself.
It wouldn’t exist as often if you’d make an effort to lay off. Scripts exist, end of story. Even if a legacy boss is given a massive asborb shield in order to even start it, you’ll get to a point where you can blow through that as well in one critless shot because you can’t just sit for 3 seconds and instead wantthebossdeadasfastaspossible! This. This is a YOU problem.
So you’re saying “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!” is your business model?