Blizzard finally gives you hard solo content and you guys still complain

“Eventually the residuum gear will make you win mythic+”

“Eventually the ‘gimme’ boss gear will make you win the raid”

“Eventually you’ll stop being terrible at arena (I legitimately have no idea here, I don’t pvp)”

Why is it okay for one system and not the others? The cost of me failing a raid boss for hours on end is time I’ve spent learning and gold.

The cost of me failing a Vision is time I spent… I don’t even know if I’d really call it learning, but I’ll be generous. Time I spent grinding dailies so I could do the content I wanted to do. And then I’m additionally punished by being locked out for the week when I’ve hit my arbitrary attempt limit.

No other such system exists in the game. It’s inconsistent, and it’s bad design.


There will always be someone against whatever new system is created, doesn’t mean people aren’t enjoying it.

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By not giving limited attempts towards something that gives player power, something that’s required to pug into content in general?

This isn’t a hard concept.


I love the horrific visions personally, i wish we had more tries per week, but that honestly would devalue the sanity bar, which makes the thing fun in the first place, when im playing my DH my thought is can i clear all 5 zones? When i play my druid its more like can i clear 2 side zones and the first zone? Same with my pally, its all tied to the sanity bar.

Without the sanity bar, i just sit around and farm small mobs while waiting for CDs and maybe even hero to come back up. Most of 8.3 blows but they did get the horrific visions right and kudos to them for that.

It’s honestly as if they aren’t capable of grasping this concept.

I think that many of those threads/comments about wanting harder content is just bluster, the “I’m tough, I deserve harder/more challenging content, elite, rrrr” type nonsense.

It’s nonsense because very few like harder content, more challenging, riskier content.
They’re just bs’ing for the sake of bs’ing.

Never believe them. Wildstar was made for people who claimed to like harder, more challenging content and look where that’s at.


I didn’t realize WoW players were a hive mind.



It appears that a large portion of the forum just wants things handed to them with the least amount of work possible, they aren’t interested in working for much anymore. It’s a common theme here lately for players wanting account-wide everything. They don’t even want to work for things like rep and essences for character progression. Many players today want to treat this genre of game like it’s Fortnite.

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Honestly think many want to treat this like The Sims.

No desire to grind for xmog (thinking of Eternal Traveler), no desire to work hard for rewards. Requests for loosening xmog restrictions, player housing, etc.


I’ve never thought about it like that but it’s definitely on point.

I think it’s more lack of information and bugs.

I recently tried for the first “Fear and Flesh” quest, which is the first to lead you to another area.

I failed it on my shaman and DK. But my warlock made it to the Corrupted Trade District, completed the objective, then went and killed Alleria

I didn’t get the quest item. So did I somehow go to the wrong district, or did I do it right but the reward bugged out?

And I have to wait a week to try again so I can find out.

Who knows?


What does this mean? I’d like to be able to collect the appearances of gear I can equip, say my warrior collecting cloth appearances. Is that what you’re talking about?

Haven’t even got to the vision stuff. Too much real world stuff to deal with right now.

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Have you not been reading at all, or something? The problem is we want to actually enjoy the content as often as we want, but can’t. The other BS is really just the icing on the dump cake, and serves to make this whole thing more frustrating to begin with.


I did one vision and tbh they are kinda meh ,(they are not bad and there not great, and im just not interested at all in doing them) like d3 rifts for that weekly try you get in D3. I liked m+ in Legion and CM’s pre Legion but all this gogogo stuff is so action junkie gamer crap.

You want to know what good , challenging solo content blizzard have done? Mage tower and classic class quests.


loosening xmog restrictions** whoops

IE: allow cloth to xmog plate, etc.

people complain no matter how good or bad things are.

Well, can’t say that I would complain if they made that change lol. But I’m also not really :thinking: immersed in the world.

You don’t. You eventually cut your losses.

There are people who play this game very differently from others, they can because that’s available to them and it makes WoW very successful.

Those who play the AH at the end/near end of an expac as well as throughout.

Those who collect things, mounts, transmog, etc…

There were those who played the professions as a game in itself, the AH went along with that and that was successful til Blizzard changed up professions, messing that up for them and some left.

I think they may have reverted it somewhat though but in Legion I heard a lot of complaining from that group, also WoD.

The game makers are trying out this new system to see how people like it.
So far, I think they do but they’d like to have more access to it without the gating, from what I understand.

I haven’t done enough of it yet to really comment on that but I do believe that there are those who complain about wanting things harder when they really don’t.
Anyway, it’s still early and they have to still fix the game bugs so easier access will probably be granted as some want, if it hasn’t already.