Blizzard finally gives you hard solo content and you guys still complain

I really don’t understand you guys. I’ve seen like 900 posts asking for hard solo content because you hate raiding outside LFR and M+ (because of “gogogogo” mentality). Blizz finally makes hard solo content and the complaints are still rolling in. The Tech tree and new gear will make visions trivial in a couple weeks.

Now I’m convinced that it’s not the content that’s the issue, it’s the possibility of failure. Players asking for infinite tries and queued content do not want to fail and learn. PERIOD.


Yeah look I failed 3 of my things by making complete noob mistakes which only made me like them slightly more because there was an element of danger

I saw a post about people saying they refuse to do them because they look to stressful
How exactly do you make content to cater to these people?


Swift, there’s actually going to be infinite complaints no matter what happens. Make it easy? People will say game is catered towards casuals.

Make it hard? People will complain about progression being tied to difficulty.

Have BiS gear?
People feel isolated from content until you make it easy enough to get.

Give multiple ways of gear progression? People will complain there’s no BiS and they don’t feel like they’re working towards something.

I have some gripes against 8.3 but I enjoy it also.

You’re better off just ignoring the super whiny threads and just enjoy the game.


Please don’t lump everyone together, that’s just being ignorant .


If it makes you feel better I usually play solo, and I love the horrific visions. They are easily the best “new” thing WoW has offered in years. I just wish I could run them slightly more often, like one more time a week with no rewards, or something like that.


Youre so wrong. Its about the mind numbingly boring grind to get the currency to for each try. I swear.


I mean it has the exact same “gogogo mentality” you speak of due to the constantly ticking down bar your racing against. For me, I’d rather not have the timer but have unforgiving mechanics and more attempts. More reminiscent of the mage tower. Need 100 attempts go for it. 200? Sure. But to each their own. /shrug


It’s the limited attempt that is getting to people.

Challenging content is nice, but having an attempt limit makes it frustrating.

Imagine if mythic raid only gave you 4 pulls a week per boss…


“having random mobs with 10-30 second chain spammable stuns, is fair, balanced, and thought out content”

Bruh i like challenge but being flat out locked out of doing anything with 200 sanity to push the distance with mobs i know i can kill in that time only to get a ffing 40 second stain chainstunlock is as ffing ridoclous game balance as your game controller disconnecting and mobs that can kill you during a loading screen so you can die every teleport with 8.3’s laggy asf memory dumps and 5x longer loading screens, seriously.


I don’t even mind the visions, I’m just not sure why they only want people to do 1-2 a week when they are the most enjoyable thing they released.

Mage tower was great fun because it was hard, you could fail, and you could try again for little opportunity cost.


Hard content can be fun too. Should be fun.


It would honestly be too easy, people are already full clearing these things.
The tech tree is the key for casuals, not infinite tries.


Are you saying Mythic+, raids, and pvp are easy content? You know, all the other systems in the game that give infinite retries.


Yeah, I get it. I get why it is why it is… but that’s because they decided to make it that way, not because it had to be.


You’re right. Asking for infinite* tries is a surefire indicator that these people do NOT want to try multiple times and fail.

*Infinite has now been redefined as any number larger than 2.


I just want more tries because it’s about the only thing this patch has going for it aside from the raid for me. Visions are pretty much the only reason I log in on this guy outside of raid nights anymore.


If you fail at arena, you stuck at 0 rating
If you fail at raiding, you waste everyones time and get kicked
if you fail at M+, you deplete the key

They are infinite, but you could also fail an infinite amount of times. This isn’t dark souls guys.


Sounds great, let me fail infinite times at the solo content, too. Just like every other system in the game.


If solo content going to limit tries for players making content being limited. We need mythic dungeons and raids to also be limit. After all, infinite tries makes the game too easy.


So what is the reward for doing it? Back in MoP I had the Green Fire quest, which gave me a title and lovely green Fire.

So do we get unique looking gear? or is it once again the same ugly gear with minor changes and slightly better stats?

Give me a reason to care, and I will solo the infernal out of it, otherwise I’ll chill watch Anime, and play on my switch while posting on GD.