Blizzard ent., what is happening? Season 4 armor sets

Today I was looking on the Internet for information on what 4 season armor sets will look like.
And I discovered that there was some kind of poll on the forum…
I assure you that more than 90% of the players did not even know about it.

Why you do this? Why didn’t you make an in-game announcement, or did I miss one? None of my friends know anything like me about it. What is happening?


That’s why you have to watch WoWHead. They are way better at spreading information than Blizz.


I believe this statistic


You have been posting since February so I think you should have checked the forums/media more often


The poll was in January and over before they started posting. And what you quoted asked why there wasn’t an in game announcement, not a forum one.


Oh really? Should I?

Okay so if the average player doesn’t browse the forums and use another website source like wow head, maybe they should have paid attention to wowhead news?

And there’s discords, there’s class discords, there’s the official WoW discord… There’s a wowhead discord…

Reddit posted this too.

Twitter posted this too. There was multiple ways to find this source outside of the forums

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Pretty sure most, if not all, class discord servers actively talked about this and some probably continue to discuss this.

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I’m not arguing what anyone should or shouldn’t do. I’m telling you that your previous post made no sense, because they didn’t ask about the forums, they asked about in game. And they started posting after the poll you tried to use as an argument.

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Please stop it.

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I doubt it was that high.

My entire guild was informed on the first day it was announced. We all voted immediately.

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I dunno. 86% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

Was it on the Bnet launcher? I can’t remember.

You’re basically saying OP is not smart enough to find said sources outside the forums…

I and others are trying to say this news was advertised in multiple ways outside of the forums

Here’s a Twitter link

A YouTube video by T&E

Company can’t even advertise stuff about their own game on the launcher for their own game

Zuma comes in with the defense


Absolutely nothing I said claims that whatsoever. Only you’re saying that.

You quoted the OP asking why it wasn’t an in game announcement. Then you said they’ve been posting since February and should have known because it was a link here on the forums.

I said the poll was in January and that had nothing to do with an in game announcement.

Care to make up more crap?

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The amount of people who miss in game server shut down times…

Forums are their official outlet. It was the right place

Eh, to be fair, if it wasn’t on the launcher, it should have been. No reason that announcement couldn’t have been one of the flipping image new posts.


Thats fair.

Im also surprised at the amount of people who are not flexible and unable to roll with the punches.

9 outta 10 times im not sure what changes go through with my classes. I just enjoy playing the game :wink:

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Yeah, pretty much. But I’m not a progression player.

Also: mobile seems to hate me today. First, it keeps trying to double post. Then, it shoved me on an alt. Now, it’s double posting again. lol

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