Blizzard doubles down on no flying...

11/02/2018 05:37 PMPosted by Righteous
Puts an entire upcoming zone underwater.

Man, you can't make this stuff up.

... and this was not expected? The whole Aszhara thing meeting N'Zoth underwater kinda gave it away.

I don't enjoy underwater zones as well but this was obviously coming up.
If Nazjatar is all underwater, then swimming would be the equivalent of flying. Maybe I’ll get to use my seahorse mount again.
11/02/2018 06:15 PMPosted by Righteous
11/02/2018 06:11 PMPosted by Hindering

its like saying moses went underwater to cross the red sea, he didnt. he parted the damn thing and walked on dry land, with water on both sides.

its also like saying looking at nigra falls from the bottom is saying you looking at it underwater, again which is false.

So you're saying that a zone, that Blizzard specifically says is located "far beneath the sea" is not under water?

There are cities on this planet below sea level...are they "underwater". Also from what it seems, the place had been riped out of the sea either by the sea parting or it coming to the surface. So yeah, you can have a city that is below sea level, and is not under water.
11/02/2018 05:49 PMPosted by Righteous
Delve into the depths of Nazjatar, capital city of the naga, in an all-new full zone far beneath the sea, and set foot in this fabled area for the first time in WoW history. This is a large zone with new story quests, new and interesting friends and allies to meet and befriend, new foes to overcome, a variety of replayable outdoor content, and new rewards to earn including new mounts and even a baby naga!
I can underline too:

Delve into the depths of Nazjatar, capital city of the naga, in an all-new full zone far beneath the sea, and set foot in this fabled area for the first time in WoW history. This is a large zone with new story quests, new and interesting friends and allies to meet and befriend, new foes to overcome, a variety of replayable outdoor content, and new rewards to earn including new mounts and even a baby naga!
May the lice of a thousand harlots infest Ion's nether regions!
11/02/2018 06:15 PMPosted by Canon
No it is not. They even showed a preview of the zone. You're embarrassing yourself.

Yes, it is, and no, I'm not. I'm actually kind of disappointed really.
I thought more of you would have caught on by now.
Yes, but will we be able to use our Vashj'ir Seahorse mounts?
11/02/2018 06:18 PMPosted by Hindering
So yeah, you can have a city that is below sea level, and is not under water.

But Blizzard specifically states that it is. Under (beneath). Water (the sea).

Hold a glass of water directly over your head.
Where are you?
11/02/2018 06:17 PMPosted by Cynthyx
If Nazjatar is all underwater, then swimming would be the equivalent of flying. Maybe I’ll get to use my seahorse mount again.

They'll disable the Poseidus mount and make people earn a new underwater mount.
11/02/2018 06:23 PMPosted by Jelybeantoes
11/02/2018 06:17 PMPosted by Cynthyx
If Nazjatar is all underwater, then swimming would be the equivalent of flying. Maybe I’ll get to use my seahorse mount again.

They'll disable the Poseidus mount and make people earn a new underwater mount.

There are several underwater mounts already in the game.
OP is why I hate the WoW community. Factually wrong and doesn't care.
11/02/2018 06:26 PMPosted by Lathander
OP is why I hate the WoW community. Factually wrong and doesn't care.

But I'm technically correct and I do care.
But only enough to prove that people read into/write stuff however they want to.
It's the news services bread and butter to keep you subscribed or tuned in.
Shooting themselves in the foot. And they promised they wouldn't pull that again.

I am happier every single day that I didn't throw my money away on this garbage.
11/02/2018 06:22 PMPosted by Zingashi
Yes, but will we be able to use our Vashj'ir Seahorse mounts?

Yes. In Vashj'ir, of course. TT even states that.
11/02/2018 06:35 PMPosted by Velara
11/02/2018 06:22 PMPosted by Zingashi
Yes, but will we be able to use our Vashj'ir Seahorse mounts?

Yes. In Vashj'ir, of course. TT even states that.

Will we be able to use our other underwater mounts?
11/02/2018 06:26 PMPosted by Lathander
OP is why I hate the WoW community. Factually wrong and doesn't care.

No need to take things posted here personally; for all intents, OP could just be trolling.
11/02/2018 06:43 PMPosted by Jelybeantoes
11/02/2018 06:35 PMPosted by Velara
Yes. In Vashj'ir, of course. TT even states that.

Will we be able to use our other underwater mounts?

Would you be surprised if the answer is "no?" I sure wouldn't, but I don't know.

All I know is that they have pulled an Argus.

11/02/2018 06:17 PMPosted by Cynthyx
If Nazjatar is all underwater, then swimming would be the equivalent of flying. Maybe I’ll get to use my seahorse mount again.

HAHA no.

Flying and swimming are completely different. You can't fall to your death and your flying mounts would be useless.

Your seahorse can only be used in VJ as it states on the tt.
11/02/2018 06:11 PMPosted by Hindering
its like saying moses went underwater to cross the red sea, he didnt. he parted the damn thing and walked on dry land, with water on both sides.

Couldn't the argument be made that if one is below sea level, they are under water? I mean technically, not literally?
11/02/2018 06:23 PMPosted by Jelybeantoes
11/02/2018 06:17 PMPosted by Cynthyx
If Nazjatar is all underwater, then swimming would be the equivalent of flying. Maybe I’ll get to use my seahorse mount again.

They'll disable the Poseidus mount and make people earn a new underwater mount.

The new underwater mount is sexy, even if it is a "horse."