Blizzard doubles down on no flying...

Puts an entire upcoming zone underwater.

Man, you can't make this stuff up.
i would rather repeatedly gouge my eyes out with a red hot poker than play any under water zone again. it was an idiotic idea from the get go. They release a new under water expansion and ill lose all faith in blizz devs... AGAIN.
It's not underwater, Nazjatar is in the middle of the ocean but we're on land. Basically, there's a Moses-type split the sea situation.

There may be a singular underwater boss fight in the raid, but they only hinted at that.
11/02/2018 05:45 PMPosted by Yegegao
They release a new under water expansion and ill lose all faith in blizz devs... AGAIN.

Like I said, you can't make this stuff up.

Beyond Tides of Vengeance
We leave off our story in Tides of Vengeance with the conclusion of the Dazar’alor Raid dungeon. While the Alliance has struck a decisive blow, it’s not without some casualties. With both sides reeling from the events they are looking for the next opportunity to get a leg up on the war between the two factions. As the two lick their wounds, it's now that the naga make their move and begin strikes.

Taking any remaining ships, the Horde and Alliance ultimately arrive in the ancient land of Nazjatar: the land of the naga and the location of Azshara’s power for our next content update –Rise of Azshara.

Delve into the depths of Nazjatar, capital city of the naga, in an all-new full zone far beneath the sea, and set foot in this fabled area for the first time in WoW history. This is a large zone with new story quests, new and interesting friends and allies to meet and befriend, new foes to overcome, a variety of replayable outdoor content, and new rewards to earn including new mounts and even a baby naga!

Everything culminates at Azshara's palace where players will face her in her seat of power.
Oh no...

Does this mean there's gonna be a new, even more ludicrously oversized Whale Shark patrolling around everywhere???
11/02/2018 05:47 PMPosted by Amaiia
It's not underwater, Nazjatar is in the middle of the ocean but we're on land. Basically, there's a Moses-type split the sea situation.

Moses couldn't fly either.
It's not underwater.
I loved Vashir so if it is all underwater I'm fine with it.
they said flying is coming after 8.1.5
Doesn't look to be completely under water.

But I expect it to be like Argus and not have flying. Still, I can fly in the other zones on my alts so it will still be worth it.
What they showed of the zone was not underwater, or if it is it's in a cave type thing.
I can't tell if the What's Next panel is the epitome of disappointment for WoW, or if tomorrow's Q&A panel is going to let me down further.
11/02/2018 05:52 PMPosted by Righteous
11/02/2018 05:47 PMPosted by Amaiia
It's not underwater, Nazjatar is in the middle of the ocean but we're on land. Basically, there's a Moses-type split the sea situation.

Moses couldn't fly either.

I mean, he didn't have things to fly on.

Unless we was actually super tiny
I hate underwater zones so hopefully time spent there will be brief for me.
11/02/2018 05:45 PMPosted by Yegegao
i would rather repeatedly gouge my eyes out with a red hot poker than play any under water zone again. it was an idiotic idea from the get go. They release a new under water expansion and ill lose all faith in blizz devs... AGAIN.

I personally love vashj'ir and always will. Blizz was smart enough to realize at the time that not everyone would though, so they gave people an alternative starter zone with hyjal.
This is how rumors get started people, Nazjatar is NOT underwater.
11/02/2018 05:45 PMPosted by Yegegao
i would rather repeatedly gouge my eyes out with a red hot poker than play any under water zone again. it was an idiotic idea from the get go. They release a new under water expansion and ill lose all faith in blizz devs... AGAIN.

First this zone is not a water zone.

Second vashj'ir is liked by a lot of player and is even one of their favourite zone. We had one in the entire game. Getting a new one would be very cool. If you dont like it then go enjoy all the other non-water zone that the game had and will have after.
11/02/2018 06:01 PMPosted by Aingra
This is how rumors get started people, Nazjatar is NOT underwater.

Yes it is.
Nazjatar is the zone. It's "far beneath the sea". Last time I checked, the sea was wet.

The playable surface we encounter may be mostly dry land, but it's under water.
11/02/2018 05:37 PMPosted by Righteous
Puts an entire upcoming zone underwater.

Man, you can't make this stuff up.

Boy you're not to bright.

Man, you can't make this stuff up.
11/02/2018 05:54 PMPosted by Lavinnelly
they said flying is coming after 8.1.5
