Blizzard: Don't give in regarding Dungeon Finder

Correct, it is. Wont have to worry about that though when they revert their decision. Era will still be there for all 12 of you that dont want dungeon finder though

Why would I have even left retail in the first place if LFD is such a defining characteristic of the game?

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So not having it in wotlkc wont ruin the game for you, good to know.

I see you dodged the question to avoid displaying your ignorance and insincerity.

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The failed attempt at a gotcha was more important to them I guess

And you’re wrong on this assessment too, as usual.

Not having LFD is ruining the game for me right now… in TBC.


In one ear and out the other with them.

Thank you. Glad to see a post against Dungeon Finder, I have been in the comments on pro DF posts with no luck

Transfer to a realm with players yet, or holding out to play with rando NPCs in LFD?

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that’s already the case, metagoblin doesn’t like rdf but his viewers vote the opposite way that he does, rdf is so popular amongst tbc players that the youtuber’s own community votes against him


I was doing that just fine at the start of this expac. There were plenty of dungeon groups forming and we had a descent population.

The company engineered these issues that led to the abandonment of servers.

That accountability is on them, not me.

And the company has provided you a free Transfer to alleviate the issue yes?

Even if I take the free transfer, there is no guarantee the same thing won’t happen again.

I’ll concede this much, if nothing has changed by the time we are in Wrath, I’ll feel beaten down and only then will I transfer.

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You seem to be a pretty resourceful person. Do you mean to tell me you’ve never found a streamer/YouTube channel that was anti-RDF? Not a single one? If there was a single poll with more than 1,000 responses that bucked the trend and showed a majority of respondents were against adding in RDF, surely you would be able to find it?

They won’t. They don’t want Classic competing with Retail in any shape or form.

The same sub gets you access to both. There is no competition.

The only real important factors are: what’s best for the game, what’s best for the players, what’s authentic to Wrath. And the answer to all is having Dungeon Finder.

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not like you need Dungeon Finder I mean who RUNS dungeons in classic you all just get boosted and then sit afk in gdkp’s.

No but you have Ion Hazzikostas’ ego to compete with. Watch his body language during the Classic Wrath/Dragons reveal. He is highly concerned about Wraths effect on Dragons.

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Notice everyone liking his posts are also classic-era level 60s? Lol

Yep, theyve already formed their own community it seems, now they just have to go back home