Blizzard does not care for Mok'nothal People

There. I said it.
The founding of Orgrimmar is basically not canon.
Rexxar doesnt matter.
The ogres were never brought into the Horde.
Nobody even knows who Rokhan is.
More people know Samuro from HOTS than Warcraft. The burning blade lore doesn’t exist. When people think of blademasters they think of mankrik.
Chen Stormstout is just a funny little guy.


They’re literally retooling the entire Packleader hero tree to basically be a Rexxar rip-off in the next patch.

The Mok’Nathal, a single sad little village of part-ogre/part-orcs who are less interesting than either, already get far more attention than they deserve.


And i dont care either…there is so many others races in the universe that we would not really bother with this one clan.

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I totally agree, i feel that people are just too loud about the dam Mok’nathal, i just dont like how they are always pushing Rexxar rexxar rexxar like if he was the coolest guy in the world while he is a copy paste of a character in Conan the barbarian…


If you gave most people truth serum, the Mok’nothal are only Cool because Rexxar is the only relevant one and he’s a super cool character

Would they be cool to play? Yeah, they would be. Is the clan itself interesting? No, not really


I dig the ascetic beastmaster thing, but they’re not super distinct from Orcs.

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Bigger orcs is a good concept for a playable race though, tbh.
I mean, we live in a world were “Draenei but even more light obsessed” got made into an AR. Why not Mok’nathal? Rexxar’s modern model is cool and I’d love to play as one.

In fact, Bigger Humans is already an AR now that I think about it, lmao.


Orcs of all varieties are boring, including ogre-orcs.

I’m for them being playable in the sense that sure why not, they may be redundant but there are already other redundant allied races. But I’d certainly never play one outside collecting the heritage armor for completion’s sake.

Or, we could just have actual Ogres. Something that’s been wanted for some time.


Truthfully? Mok’nothal are probably the best comprise in that regard, and the one race mostly likely to make playable over ogres.


They’re not a compromise though. They’d still be using the orcish skeleton and looking at Rexxar it’s pretty obvious the orcish genes are more dominant.

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Blizz clearly has no interest in making Ogres playable though. They have had multiple chances by now to do so and refuse to even entertain the idea. While still making excuses about why they aren’t playable.

So, take that as you will


Yeah to be fair I don’t think they ever will. I don’t think we’ll ever get another race that doesn’t reuse another’s skeleton.

Still, I don’t feel like Mok’nothal are a compromise at all, they’re yellowy orcs. If you showed them to someone who didn’t know much about WoW lore they’d likely not be able to tell they were half ogre.

That is a fair point. I just consider it a compromise because it’s the closest we’ll likely ever get to a ogre or ogre adjacent race being made playable

I mean, they did just give a massive overhaul to the ogre model and they are going to be a core part of undermine, because Venture Co.


Did they? I admit I haven’t really kept up on the Undermine(d) updates, so that’s pretty cool. Might be a tease for future allied race perhaps. Who knows, we all could be pleasantly surprised if ogres are finally made playable :dracthyr_nod:

Yeah right, so bascially, when we get bigger stone dwarves peoples are mad and say its just a dwarf recolor, but when we get bigger orcs people say “yeah please give me more orcs recolor” ?

Thats so hypocrit!

Not to mention the other member of the clans we saw dont even have their own model, the only one with unique model is rexxar…and again, he is just a bigger orc with a batman mask.

THIS!!! Thats true!

I dont really get why we couldnt get playable ogres, you just need to make them as big as playable tauren, and we already saw plenty of such sized ogres in game.

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For the longest time, the excuse on why Ogres weren’t playable was the lack of a female model. Blizz has danced around the subject in the years since than and largely refuses to entertain the idea

Well, Mok’nathal dont have a femal model either…

And i feel like, people wanting Mok’nathal bascially are the same who want nagas with 2 legs : bascially they given up having something good and thus ask for lazy alternative.

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I admit I have no interest in either race. But people are going to like what they like. Neither ultimately make much sense to be playable in my opinion. The naga are mostly evil and bent on world domination, and the Mok’nothal are one small clan living on a dying world.