Blizzard does not care for Mok'nothal People

You can actually see the new ogre model during pirate week on siren isle, hes a fast spawning rarespawn called chum chum.
High def model even with pirate tattoos.


Oh, neat. Iā€™ll have to go check it out than. He keeps dying before I can reach him :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Cool to know though

We saw plenty of ā€œevil racesā€ being not entirly all evils, and we did already had nagas allies, being the ones in the Illidari during Legion.


Siren Isle in general is interesting because you see a lot of newish models, or player models with unavailable customizations.

Theres a KT ghost for example with pirate tattoos, and the parrot riding goblin also has pirate tats.

Edit: Evil races being excluded from playability went out the door with Manā€™ari customization.


Siren is awesome to be honest, it gives a lot of cool little lore and overall being given the right way, by that i mean, that you feel like you are reading stories written by people in the universe and not just having writers telling you the story.

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Oh, yeah. Thatā€™s completely fair. But yeah, Siren Isle is pretty cool overall, and the lore is actually interesting, or at least I found it to be

Feels like every other week they add a new ore sink vendor though. Soweezi is a right bastard he is.

It went out the door as soon as you could play Forsaken actually.

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Dont get me started on the Forsaken, i have lamented long enough about the absolutely abysmal writing of the eastern kingdoms.

The undead have become a disability and the scarlet crusade have become a vehicle for blizzards awful stereotyping.

We could have had Warhammer-esque Border Prince/Sylvania style conflicts and political intrigue, but blizzard just doesnt care about Lordaeron.

They can use this model for the female Mokā€™nathal model because Rexxar uses the same model for the male version :dracthyr_yay_animated: :

We have the perfect model for this now, just need to change it a little to get female Ogres :dracthyr_yay_animated: :


That is an awesome model to use. And youā€™re right, with a little tinkering it would be perfect :dracthyr_heart:



I do not need more dorf. On Hordeside, I do not need any dorf. I want no dorf. I vote for a dorf-free Orgrimmar!!!

But bigger orc? I do need that. I would wish to have ogre-sized orcs. Giant orcs for Orgrimmar!!!

Yes it is, and I am not gonna apologize.


It would be an actual tragedy if we got mokā€™nothol before ogres.


Mokā€™nothol make far more sense from a practical game development perspective. Youā€™d just use the Kul Tiran skeleton as a base and go from thereā€”I am pretty sure Rexxar uses the Kul Tiran rig as his base now, actually. Ogres would have door height issues and likely need a custom rig which I doubt they will want to put resources into.

But heā€™s the Hordeā€™s copy and paste of Conan Oā€™Brian

rexxar looking sick tho. kultiran skeleton model but less fat

I like earthen as a playable race though?

Yeah, we really hate getting other orcs. Heh. Yep. Heh. Definitely wouldnā€™t catch me playing a bunch of other orcs. Heh.

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If the Alliance can have at least three flavors of human and three flavors of dorf, we should have three flavors of orc and troll.