Blizzard, Do Something About M+ Leavers

I am sick and tired of putting groups together just to have someone leave the group before completion. This could be while the clock is still going or if it is barely missed. Blizz, you strive to bring people together, but allowing this to continue is incredibly divisive. We already have to use a 3rd party addon to determine if a player is ‘competent’ enough to run the dungeon before inviting them. Does someone have to create an addon where we track a player’s group reputation?

Find some way to penalize these players, it’s a continued form of toxicity that’s permeating through more and more of the game we love. Players need to understand that their actions have consequences, even in games. We have to put so much effort into your systems so you should support keeping them wholesome.

The only caveat would be to maybe include some button where the group could agree to end the dungeon early without penalty.


There is no problem other than you invited the wrong person.

Btw use search feature there a thousand of these threads, all of them equally ridiculous


I disagree and have a feeling that there are many more who would as well.

But thanks for stopping by to share your baseless opinion. If a person can just turn around and walk out of a high key and have an IO score over 2k - I didn’t invite the ‘wrong’ person. They just have no commitment to my key, which is the problem.

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Rinefire, I support you on the penalty. And #Nowise, there is no right or wrong person. I check the IO score, they are normally above 1.5-2K, they have completed the dungeon on the same or higher key, nope, does not seem like the wrong person… but they quit like total careless morons. Who cares about the 30 minutes wasted by 4 other people that are trying their best and usually are very good DPS. If people do not have the patience to do these runs in public groups, then do not do them. If you lose patience and quit, you need to suffer the consequences. But hey, Blizzard does not care about PuGs. At your own risk !

There is nothing to care about. You’re a random on the internet.

Accurate. If you’re going to lose your mind every time someone pulls the rip chord, probably shouldn’t rely on strangers.

Most true statement in the thread so far.

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Someone posts one of these complaints at least once a day. The issue is that no-one has posted any suggestions to fix the complaint that won’t make the problem worse.

If all you want to do is vent then by all means vent away but unless you post something constructive that would resolve the problem without making things worse then why should Blizz pay any attention to you?

You did invite the wrong person, they were clearly there to time the key and didn’t care about completion. [quote=“Rinefire-illidan, post:3, topic:545386”]
They just have no commitment to my key, which is the problem.

Exactly, they were there to time it and you weren’t going to/had already failed to. They have a commitment to timing it not completing it.
Try advertising that you are going for completion.


I would say many suggestions came through, a few of which could actually be in place without actually ruining the Leavers options to look for a new dungeon group. The prevailing thing I’ve seen is a “debuff” just to show the person leaves, all ideas of locking said person out of mythic + are far too punishing.

That said, I think the simplest solution would be to allow us, the players, ignore entire Btags so either 1). Ignored Btags don’t show/instantly rejected in group finder, or 2). A mark is placed by the person in group finder to show they are on your ignore list with a prompt “are you sure you want to invite this person” so people can be better ignored. This would make the whole “Blacklist” idea (which is what I use) a lot easier.

This makes absolutely no sense. We were going to time the key - dps, heals, and the tank were great. But they walked out 5 minutes into the run for not agreeing with the route.

Also. There are plenty of others making comments about this because they should. The community shouldn’t tolerate it.

Here’s a well-known content creator going over the problem in more depth.

Well, you’re wrong, and so are the “many more”.

You used the criteria of 2k IO to select someone when what you cared about was their commitment to your key. Why do you think 2k IO means they will care about your key? You chose the wrong person because your selection process isn’t correct for your needs. Fix it and you’ll have better results.

There clearly is, or we wouldn’t have to address this same stupid argument weekly.

Instead of using an IO score that has nothing to do with whether or not they will finish your key, you should instead focus on trying to invite people who aren’t “total careless morons”. It’s like you’re using a hammer to screw in a screw and getting mad at the wall when it’s not working. IO is the wrong tool if you care more about people finishing than their experience, and it’s not Blizzard’s fault that you don’t even know you’re doing a terrible job making groups that meet your priorities.

If people do not have the patience to accept whatever happens from inviting strangers into public groups, then do not do them.

Sorry, but you don’t have the moral high ground to inflict punishment on someone because they didn’t want to play with you anymore. Other players aren’t your servants and no contracts were signed. You invited randos and some of them didn’t work. Either get over it or stop inviting randos.


And you didn’t discuss the route before putting the key in why? This seems like a pretty simple step for a group leader who cares so much about people leaving to take to make sure everyone is on the same page before the clock starts ticking.

You’re not doing all the things you can be doing to fix your own problem, and this is a perfect example of one of them.


Zothlar, why post at all if you have nothing nice or constructive to add? Do you enjoy just sitting there and typing whatever first comes to your head on every post?

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The popularity of an idea doesn’t make it correct. Mohomed and jesus for example cannot both be correct but are both pretty popular fellas. (both can be incorrect though)

If you want them to inplament a punishment describe how it works and I will tell you how it will be abused.

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Unless this is the MDI or some relatively high key above the 15 box reward, groups should generally be somewhat accommodating to the other players. They didn’t climb to that IO score on their own. And the ‘route’ I mentioned, that the player apparently disagreed with, was pulling two extra mobs in my case. That should not warrant someone just 180ing and walking out of a dungeon at the expense of four other players.

I, personally, like the idea of a Btag ignore. I don’t generally have issues with people leaving, but do find the occasional person I’d like to fire from a cannon into the sun.


Why? You are not owed anything by anyone. Stop feeling entitled to other people’s time.

It may have been just that but people don’t tend to leave keys that are going well.


What I’m posting is very constructive, as long as you don’t object to taking accountability for yourself. Nice left the building after the first hundred threads of this crap. You’re adding nothing to a discussion that has been beat to death over a thousand times. It’s narcissistic to just repeat what people have been saying for years, even though you could just as easily read any of the existing threads to see why it’s a terrible idea. So no, “nice” isn’t a priority for me in threads like this.

None of what I’m typing is a knee jerk, “whatever first comes to my head” response. Unlike people like you, who have an outburst when something makes you mad, I think very carefully about every side of the problem, weigh all the perspectives, and come to a deliberate conclusion. I am then forced to rehearse that conclusion for a parade of narcissists who seem to think that their angry rant pitching a terrible idea will be the one to rally the masses and change the game. It’s always been a terrible idea; It’s still a terrible idea; it will be a terrible idea next week when the next self centered brat throws a tantrum about it next week.

Grow up and start taking accountability for the people you invite to your groups. If you’re the person making the groups, and your groups aren’t working, the method you’re using to select people is bad. Fix it and all your problems disappear and you can stop crying for the game company to make people play with you or else.


I do not feel entitled to people’s time. I expect them to complete the commitment they made when they signed up for a run.

Again, like in my original post, the group feels that it cannot move forward with the current group after starting and agrees to end it. A player should not feel ‘entitled’ to just end someone’s key because they feel like it, with no penalty small or large.

For you it doesn’t warrant it. For him, it apparently did. Unless you pay his subscription, it’s not your call to make. Again, you could have discussed it ahead of time and had him leave before the key goes in. Crisis averted.

So you don’t feel entitled to people’s time, as long as they stay as long as you expect them to be there? Did this make more sense in your head?

There is no “commitment” when signing up for a run. You are 5 players who are agreeing to get into a group. The only commitment you all have is to be there as long as you each want to. If the 5 of you decide to put a key in, then all 5 of you understand that you are risking your time and key on the other members of the group. Like any gamble, sometimes you lose. If you don’t like it, then gambling isn’t for you.

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