@Blizzard Did you not watch MDI? Did you see a brewmater there?

No, it’s definitely irrelevant 100%. MDI is irrelevant. RWF is irrelevant. Whatever the arena one is named is irrelevant.

If Brew is having issues in non-prestige keys then that’s all that matters. Bringing anything else up just makes the core argument seem weak.

A 9 is not a prestige key

Many people have timed 11s as a brewmaster, that’s higher than the keys being run in the MDI.

Mordrim in EU has timed 16s and 17s as a brewmaster while running no Aug voker.

Brewmaster seems perfectly fine to me

Yeah that was very telling lol.

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What if I told you there’s a massive community that likes to push keys above the really low reward threshold


Okay sure but Brew is terrible in the actual game so


I see brewmasters pushing 16s and 17s, check out mordrim on EU.

He’s timed a bunch of 16s without an Aug voker. Brews seem fine to me

Do you know how many Brewmasters are currently in title range? Six.

Do you know how many Prot Paladins are currently in title range? Almost five hundred.


For anyone who hasn’t seen it, here’s a timestamped link.

Just watch it for a minute. It’s side-by-side of 2 teams doing the same pull in real time.

Watch the health bar of the Brewmaster vs the health bar of the Demon Hunter tank. Notice how the Brewmaster’s health bar is a yo-yo (and ultimately dies) while the Demon Hunter’s health bar barely moves at all.

In the first SECONDS of the pull, VDH is already at over 1.5M DPS, then about 10s in, he’s at 4M dps with over 1.25M HPS.

On the other hand, BrM who’s doing the same pull in about the same time is doing barely 1.25M DPS and not even 600k HPS.

1/4th the damage, half the healing, even less survivability.

The PEAK dps VDH is getting before his pack shrinks is about 4.5M
The PEAK dps BrM is getting while his pack isn’t even shrinking is 2M, and that takes so long to reach that VDH at that point is already back down to 3M.

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The top brewmaster in the world with a dedicated team doing a key 2 levels below dozens of prot paladins is your reference for class balance?


All of those prot paladins have Aug vokers, Mordrim did not. Had Mordrim chosen to play with an Aug voker, he could have done higher keys.

That’s not a relevant statistic because anyone who wants to push title will be playing the absolute best tank - even if it is the best tank by a very low margin.

Just because not many people have gotten into title range as a brewmaster does not mean that brewmaster cannot get into title range - and you confirmed this by saying six brewmasters are in title range.

Perhaps the player on the DH is just a more skilled and more experienced tank overall.

Yet there are plenty of druids and pwarr

Are you saying brew doesn’t have a much more difficult time to get to title range? Because the whole point is brew sucks, not that if you work 10x harder than other tanks you could maybe squeeze some keys in a couple key levels off the top performing specs

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That’s merely leftover from people who played druid and prot warrior before paladin got buffed.

Druid and prot warrior were best by a wide margin, so everyone played those tanks until 11.0.5 prot paladin buffs

I’m agreeing with you and adding in more :slight_smile:

Ah, so, if there is 1 brew vs 999 paladins, so eVEryThInG iS fInE

Paladins are pushing 19’s right now. Best paladins. (3,600+ IO)
#1 Monk in he game is 3,419 IO and pushing 16’s.

You’re actually a clown :clown_face: to think that Brews are capable of same performance as paladins.


If you want to have the easiest time doing the highest keys, play the meta tank.its why the top mythic plus tanks play meta tanks.

Brewmasters are capable of being in the 0.1% title range and there are brewmasters there to prove it.

I think BDK and BRM are just the meme tanks. They can do the job but it isn’t glamorous and that’s enough for blizzard. If you think brews are bad they are still doing higher keys than BDK. Both tanks are absolutely pathetic, they are either broken are just flat out bad and right now BDK and BRM are just bad. They won’t fix this anytime soon, I’d start getting creative with the class if you want any hope of being competitive.

Brewmaster and blood DK spent the entire latter half of shadowlands as the extremely over powered tanks. It’s ok if they aren’t the best tank for one season now.

This is a factually false statement. DKs, perhaps? Not Brews.

Since when we go off of balance from 5 years ago?
There is no way you’re serious. You are legit clowning right now even saying that.


You’ll never be happy if you are trying to compare classes at 15+. None of the tanks are well represented at the very cutting edge, it’s all prot paladin, with warrior as a runner up.

You can play any tank in tens without much trouble.