Blizzard did not think the WoW Token through

It’s not surprising. Even at 5000g for 20$ it’s cheap relative to how most of the player base probably values their time.

OP imagines there is a lot of demand from people who are apparently low income enough to risk a ban or deal with shady websites for 5$ in savings, but also can’t play the game enough to just farm the gold to buy their game time (or even sell their gold to an illicit website, rather than buy it there).

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they did not add token to combat RMT, they realized how massive the rmt in wow and only wanted to have some shares of the benefits

if they want to truly combat RMT they will instantly ban anyone who sell/buy gold but that never happened because “quote from +1year ago”

Let’s put it another way. Whoever would buy illicit gold to get a token could have done so in retail already, and for sure any big dealer of wow classic gold can easily sell retail gold as well.

Their classic gold would sell for more if Blizzard didn’t compete. Once again it’s basic economics.

No they aren’t They just raised the sub cost to 20 dollars. Someone is buying the tokens with real. They aren’t losing anything they are gaining.


Blizz makes an extra $5 for every token sub, it’s literally impossible for them to lose money by people buying more of them. lmao.


The problem with the token is that it should have been in day 1, which I tried to explain PRIOR TO LAUNCH, and repeatedly since to put it in, the sooner the better. But it took them until halfway through the THIRD game to do it. The gold trading market is already plundered out now.

Blizzard is always too little too late with everything it does. This may be fine for a SP game but it is horrible for a MMO. A MMO has a time table. You need to get it right up front or adapt quickly. Blizzard does neither. To make this more embarassing for them, this isn’t even a new game. It’s a rehost of an older one… meaning it already had a full history to learn from. Players learned from the past and innovated. Blizzard however seemed to forget more than they learned and now has to relearn everything, as if it were a totally new game. Every change reeks of “we’re making this up as we go” which shouldn’t be the case for a rehost.

RMT itself is not a problem or “disease”. The real problem is that Blizzard did not get the revenue from it. With the token, they do. It could actually be a “cure” if all players switched to the token for gold trading, but that’s unlikely. Either way, token=good, no token=bad.

It’s actually the exact opposite. It would make no sense what so ever for me to be Blizzard. I’m against them on most topics and often censored from the forum by them. The people actually with Blizzard have green or blue text. Just FYI.

Hey another unnecessary quote asking more stupid questions. Maybe you don’t care about the game’s revenue (despite playing it) but it’s kind of important.

That’s what Paypal is for lol. Most gold sites and websites, for that matter, have a Paypal option for security-related reasons.

Sure, that’s a couple reasons I’ve never bought gold. But it does make me wonder who is token buying gold now? If you have already bought gold from the gold sites and taken the risk would you be that worried that you would buy a token and now get half or less gold for your money? Or are most of the token gold buyers those who have never bought gold before out of fear?

Declining education standards and widespread innumeracy.

They should never have put the token in, and instead took better measures against RMT. Part of the problem there was also that Blizzard severely misjudged the popularity of classic (like when there were far too few servers on launch), and RMT quickly got out of control. But adding the token is not the solution. You don’t cure a disease with poison, you don’t douse a fire with gasoline, and you don’t combat RMT with more RMT.

They make more money on a token sale. The token is bad but you’re too dumb for the argument.

it started with the “Chinese gold farmer”

nowadays, every single weak currency country are farming game’s currency.

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Irrelevant. Your argument is “people can buy gold from external sites,” but the counter argument is “Yeah, you could, but here’s why people shouldn’t.”

Had nothing to do with you actually buying gold from gold sellers.

Seems like YOU didn’t think this through. For someone to buy a 6500g WoW token for playtime, there must be someone that has already paid $20 for it. So yeah. Do3snt matter if you have 6500g or 200,000g. Someone will have to pay $20 for you to buy that token… At whatever price

Thats why you use your moms credit card :wink:

In all seriousness, i wish they were harder with bans on gold buyers and faster with their bans on both sellers and buyers.

For all of Blizzard’s faults there I agree with the basic point that the economy is different in Vanilla compared with even TBC and Wrath. Since TBC I can support two raiding characters with no special farming, just tailoring CDs and occasional dailies. Vanilla. I got fast flying rather late but it’s also more a QoL (albeit a massive one) than something which increases your character power like the vanilla consumes and crafted gear that were based on truly scarce resources.

Thats the fee for not risking a ban

Tokens arent meant for you. They are meant for people like my dude who makes bank and just doesnt sweat 20 bucks. The fact its instant, safe, and secure is why he wont buy from third party.

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you have no understanding how the wow token functions. It will go up as time progresses, retail wow token started very low as well…it’s based off supply/demand.

might want to look into how it actually works. If we get cata, by then the wow token will prob be around 40k-90k price range.

I’m almost thru cata with the amount of tokens I have bought with gold.

What a great free 2 play game.