Blizzard did exactly what the poors and mole people wanted, but because it's not free gear they are mad

Blizzard made challenging content for those who don’t want to group with other people. So they made delves and now people are complaining it’s too hard and they need a group to do it. It’s literally the second day of level 8 delves and we are 580ish ilevel. The recommended item level for a tier 8 delce is like ilevel 600 and people are upset you struggle at ilevel 580. Stop whining about having to work your way up like the rest of us. It’s not free just get gud!


Cool another bait topic about this.


OP is missing the point.

People wanted solo endgame content, not group content with the option to enter it solo.

This is not rocket science, if you allow groups in a certain type of content, then you balance it´s difficulty on the tools a group has access to.

A group can res, buff, tank & heal, DPS, CC and more. All that at any time they need.

A solo has just his own class abilities, if he dies it´s game over.

It is crucial for Delves to succeed, that groups are not allowed there so that the difficulty can be balanced on one player. This is what people wanted, but it is not what they got.


It’s not group content, it’s solo content that people are trying to do severely undergearrd and the only way to do challenging stuff without Braunn leveled up or the appropriate gear is with a group. Also some people want to play with a friend or 2 but don’t have enough people for a full group.



It’s Torghast II

Delves need to go the way of Scenarios - shelved for the good of the game…


That’s a nonsensical take - no reason players shouldn’t be able to group, though content targeted at solo players should not be tuned to be easier for groups than actual group content while also having better rewards.

They do need to better tune all the current content with rewards though.

Right now solo delves are probably about where they should be for the rewards, M0 is tuned up over the rewards, and group delves are tuned under the rewards.


Delves difficulty is perfect. They should never be nerfed.


If you think this is actually group content, then I have a bridge to sell you.

No one asked for the Mage Tower— which also wasn’t balanced. And Holly Longdale specifically said it’s for solo and people who might want to run with family.

This is absolutely what was advertised.

Stop trying to devour the content in a day. It lasts all season. Tier 8 rewards are your open world ceiling, not your starting point.

All I’m hearing is, “I don’t like this content that I can ignore, but it should be deleted for all of the open world players who want it.”



I’ve just soloed my 3rd T8 at ilvl 585.


Chill out steph geez :roll_eyes:

Personally while I have a few points of criticism, I’m enjoying delves on the whole.

I did struggle with T7, but I’m also like ilvl 567 and that was significantly below the recommended amount. Even then, I could probably clear certain ones depending on the mechanics of the final boss.

I mostly just can’t interrupt all that often, being a Mage with only Counterspell on a 20 second cooldown.


Tier 8 Delve recommends 600+ item level. If you’re a item level 580 “attempting” higher than recommended content (which in some cases, some class/specs CAN solo T8 at 580 item level) then you are putting yourself at that risk of failing. You cannot blame the game for being “challenging” for suggested 600+ item level for Tier 8 Delve when you know your characters gear score is LOWER than the recommended item level. Then people come here and demand Tier 8 be nerf’d. There’s a reason WHY the lower tiers have recommended item levels so you know as a player, what Tier you CAN and CANNOT do.

Solo lower tiers until you can gear your toon to be closer to Tier 8 item level recommendation so you have LESS of a disadvantage, not when you’re 20 items level lower than the recommended content.

I’ve been grouping with people for Bountiful Delves Tier 8 on my Warlock and next for Tuesday, I’ll have x3 item level 616 gear to choose from. Now, it’s your choice, you can solo your way through w/o any group effort, OR you can join groups and knock out the Delves to include gearing your character FASTER than you can solo. Once you get 600+ item level (depending on your class/spec that can solo Tier 8 on lower item level below 600, bc not all class/specs can), then you’ll be able to solo Tier 8’s all by yourself with minimal effort.

I honestly don’t see what the issue is when people can’t comprehend that increased difficulty rewards better rewards. And for you not to meet the recommended criteria does not constitute you being rewarded because the content is “too hard” at your current item level. That’s the whole point of a recommended item level per Delve tier.


No they are much better Torghast and so are the rewards. I hope they keep some form of Delevs going forward.


They’re whining because in order to devour all of the content immediately, they must go the fast route and group with others to carry them.

Me? I know I’m bad. But I know I have all season. So I’m going to play this the intended way: chill out, level Brann, work on lower tier Bountifuls for better gear on my own, get my Renown pieces of gear and work my way up slowly through the entire season.


The best gear is still mainly from Raids, M+, and rated PvP. Delves ilvl is not very high. You can gear up much faster and be a higher ilevel from M+ than anything. The best game breaking trinkets are also in M+ and raids so…

There is a very easy way for them to get around this. The power ups found in Delves should drop in greater quantity for solo players and give them more defensiveness, self sustain, CC, etc.


I like the enthusiasm! :+1: :grin: Good on ya and good luck with your Delves! :slightly_smiling_face:




I asked for solo content with good gear.
I’m happy with delves and their difficulty so far.

People will complain about stuff they don’t like (example, me posting about lack of drachtyr tmog options), people rarely come to the forum’s to post about what they are enjoying so you’ll mostly hear negative stuff here.

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Delve Tier 8 Great Vault reward is equivalent to Mythic+7 Great Vault reward at Hero 3/6. That’s pretty good since Mythic+ isn’t even live right now until Tuesday which on Tuesday, If you’ve completed x8 Tier 8 Delves, you’ll have 1 piece of Hero gear ready to go come day 1 of Mythic+ opening up.

Extremely few people will even hitting Mythic+10 keys in week one to get max great Vault gear. So, to me, Delves Tier 8 is the play to gear your toon until you’re ready to push high M+ keys.

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