The machine of death is broken, and players entering the Shadowlands will find the realm of the dead in disarray. In the natural order of things, souls are sorted and sent on to an afterlife realm appropriate to the lives they lived, but now, but over the past few years, all souls who have perished— including the innocents slain at Teldrassil —are being funneled directly into the Maw. The Shadowlands are starving for anima even as the Maw continues to grow from the glut of fresh souls.
Sylvanas has been seemingly perpetrating acts to bring about great amounts of death and destruction. In partnership with the Jailer, they have been working toward a common end for some time.
There was a point in time where you felt like the faction conflict was just a conflict of interest between two global powers. Where no matter which one you supported, you could feel a sense of pride, conviction, and righteousness in doing it.
Even the Horde, a collection of monster races too stupid or evil to deserve sympathy or admiration in most fantasy franchises, emerged from Warcraft 3 having defeated the greatest galactic threat the world had ever seen on two continents. As a Horde player, it felt like the world was a better place because we existed, and we deserved a right to life and freedom as much as the Alliance.
And then BFA happened. The Horde commits an act of genocide against literally children right out of the gate and proceeds to ignore the event for the rest of the expansion. A small, way too late, resistance is finally formed to counter Sylvanas sabotaging the very foundation of the faction’s identity (freewill, honor, brotherhood) while the rest of the Horde never even disavows her - she disavows them.
Blizzard forced the Horde to suffer through another unwanted identity crisis, the end of the Horde’s iconic leadership role, the removal of multiple major Horde characters from an already dwindling cast, the destruction of any remaining semblance of moral parity with the Alliance, and an enduring sense of guilt and failure, just so they could write two expansions about Sylvanas and her mad 400D Chessmaster skills?
Really? The Horde was turned into a warcrime simulator just to make Sylvanas look more impressive and important?
How did this help the Horde story in the slightest? How has the Horde become better than before Sylvanas was made Warchief?
It hasn’t, and I remain dumbfounded as to how anyone ever thought this was a good idea.