Blizzard. demonology

Demo is that spec theme i always loved, that was never done properly, Demo could have the versatility of BM and actually really cool interactions between pets, mobility and summoner themes.

Still, its something that will never be decent, warlocks are sadly a 1 spec trick for blizzard, just look at every xpac. Destro or Demo obscenely OP for 1 tier, then overcomplicated, back to Aff OP spec, repeat.

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yeah, bliz needs to buff us very badly. kinda bull that Destro gets buffed and we get forgotten AGAIN

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I would legit delete my warlock if they brought back meta trash play style. You lost. Move on.

I found the exact opposite to be true. My felguard was getting destroyed by bosses, but when I went to destro my blueberry fared much better.

Seems like that might work inversely. “See, demo is fine. Everyone plays it.”

Same treatment as Arcane. It’s almost like Blizzard forgets certain specs exist. Something about punishing specs that have a hard time with movement :thinking:

You have a point, but if everyone also plays it and screams at Blizzard we may at least get something that works partially. I’d like to think of the potential positive outcome in this grand endeavor!

That would be great. I don’t play much with casters, but I do feel like everyone should enjoy themselves in a video game. Otherwise, why play it?

Exactly which is why I am replaying Sekiro after being very rusty.

I wish Demo performed better. I prefer it by far to Affliction and Destro.

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I know a Demo warlock who has been Demo through all of BFA and is still Demo today.

Gets Keymaster done every season, tops charts in raids.

The class need fixes, but a lotta people in this thread are being melodramatic.

Yeah, I’ve been playing AC Valhalla to fill the gaps that WoW has as far as gaming goes. Combat is on very hard, but stealth and exploration are on normal, because I don’t sneak in anywhere, lol, end exploring isn’t a big part to me, just discovering what the markers are pointing at.

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I have no numbers to validate this, but I go by how the VW feels. The Demo VW feels weaker then within the the other specs and the Fel Guard is just not a tank. I also think the Drain Life and Health Funnel is weaker. I have enjoyed all three specs in the past and currently switch regularly. I’ve used all three in Torghast.


Demo doesn’t need a buff, it needs a rework.
It’s damage is fine but mechanically the spec just doesn’t work well in most situations.

Because Voidwalker is significantly tankier than the felguard, look at his passive and you understand why then.