I’m a returning player and made a free account and purchased the dark portal pass aswell as 1 month gametime…I was excited to play TBC again.
However, I have played classic content back in the day so I decided to use my boost to skip it.
I have had 200-300ms latency every time I play…it’s horrendous and unplayable. I tried the troubleshooting tips but nothing works.
I requested a refund due to my country’s consumer laws on services as I wouldn’t of purchased the game had I known. The GM replied and said they politely decline to refund me…due to it being outside the timeframe…which is a few days. Do they have the right to do so??
I would of never purchased it if I knew that I would get bad ping.
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dont take my word for the legal side of it, but im pretty sure they have to abide by each countries laws in order to sell the game in that region. whether you can get them to do anything with it or not is gonna be a bit harder though. ive heard of people having luck if they mention some sort of legal action, but youll need to do more research on that.
good luck though
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They have to follow those laws, but you need to make sure you have a 100% understanding of those laws. There tends to always be some kind of technical stuff. Or, they decline knowing they are in violation of what they are supposed to do, but playing dumb, and wait on you to take legal action on a $70 refund that they know will likely cost you more in money and time than it is worth.
Go seek legal counsel. Complaining on forums won’t give you refund.
Which region do you live and which servers are you playing? Selecting West or East have a big difference if you’re outside US.
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if you’re OCE are you on one of the OCE servers?
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Yes…I’m OCE playing on OCE server the issues gets a lot worse in bgs…I just went into one on 250ms and it jumped to 455ms soon as I was in a BG
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Just contact your ISP. It is not normal to get so high MS on local server in OCE.
If anything, change your ISP if they can’t fix it.
The BG issue will be reverted on Tuesday, when OCE will only play against OCE again.
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i have contacted my ISP and they see no issues on my end
They paired oce with na, they have reversed this and it will happen on reset.
there is clearly something wrong i’m getting 27 ms on OCE. You should not be getting that, you need to do a trace route to see where the failure is. The connection to the server is in Sydney, not San Francisco like your ping claims
so it is them? well im not waiting until reset to see IF the problem goes away…im requesting a refund now and the issue is still present in the game…so i am eligable for a refund.
I’ve had issues in the past while my ISP wouldn’t help.
Trust-me, check the technical support forums, they will ask you information and will help you get there.
They’ve been doing this for a long time.
Either is something in Blizzard’s end (very unlikely), yours (very likely) or something in between. Either way, the results of the troubleshooting should be more than enough for your ISP to fix it.
Can confirm what Erebus said a few posts above, I get the exact same (25ms-30ms) living in Melbourne, and I’m not even on NBN (old school Telstra cable).
I’ve only played retail recently though, so not sure if the huge traffic in TBCC could be making your latency horrible, but I’m not sure if there’s a difference once you’re in the realm due to the layering.
As Erebus suggested, it might be an idea to ask on the support forums and posting a trace route for someone to have a look at. They might be able to help identify where the bottleneck/problem is.
It could be any of the hops between you and Blizzard’s server.
ISPs always blame shift for their failures, it’s very highly likely either your modem/router or your ISP blame shifting.
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i know dude. i was leveling in tbc and i uber lifted some chicken to my door but i couldnt stop grinding and 3 hours went by and now whe i go to eat my nuggies they are COLD! 
I called McDonols for a refund and THEY WONT GIVE ME ONE!!! There too cold to eat. WHAT DO THEY EXPECT ME TO DO?
If it’s only in BG’s then it’s a product of the undocumented, unwanted change they slipped in on Thursday and are reverting tomorrow night due to our outrage and you have nothing to worry about.
If it’s outside of BG’s as well then it very well be your own connection, the few times I’ve connected on satellite NBN I got similar pings to what you’re reporting.
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the issue is still in the game now…and im requesting a refund now…so i am eligable.
Maybe it has to do with linking the realms to NA, and will be resolved by Tuesday?
Remember that it had cross-realm enabled by mistake, and having it may have messed up with the servers routing.
As in, even outside PvP instances?
I read that they were merging BG’s and Arena’s which is bad enough (imo anyway). But I wasn’t aware it was happening in the general world as well… albeit by accident.
Still… What a horrible accident. At least they’re on to it.
Yeah you should sue their asses so you can get that $70 or so back!!!