I’m making broad points about how CS systems work. I’m not arguing against anything.
You asked a question. I answered it.
I’m not sure what the issue is.
And I never once argued my own opinion on it. I gave insight into how it all works and that it is the most efficient for customers to use these types of systems.
Keep in mind: I didn’t reply to you originally. You began this conversation with me. I just gave you information. Nothing more. What you do with that is entirely up to you.
Since you seem to want to argue, then I’ll let you do that with others. I’ve given the info I can. That’s all I can do.
So stop bringing up irrelevant points that don’t even contradict anything I’m saying.
Otherwise, people will assume you’re trying to strawman.
It’s easy to look like someone “wants to argue” when the other person is making bad points and seemingly arguing against points the other person never made.
My friend, anyone with even the slightest shred of competency knows their CS is not good. It hasn’t been for a long time. Sendryn is one of those people who will talk up Blizzard’s poor systems and practices, trying to gaslight people into thinking they’re a good thing, trying to score points. They do it in a lot of threads.
Woman, not man. And you’re agreeing with a person who literally follows me around to every single thread to harass me and spread misinformation consistently.
If you don’t like the CS, that’s fine. I simply gave information.
But please don’t encourage the harassment from the other.
I don’t follow you around. I click on random threads and sometimes, there you are, just like anyone else, so please don’t flatter yourself. And correct me if I’m wrong, but I was in this thread before you were.
I’ll pay you $10000 if you can show me 1 shred of misinformation that I’ve spread. I guarantee you won’t take me up because you know you’re lying.
I have no opinion, honestly. And I’m not defending anything. I’m just giving information, because I think it’s good to be informed. My original questions at the beginning of this thread we’re basic questions to try to help the OP. Because without basic information, we can’t help. It’s my CS brain kicking in there. lol
Everyone has a different view of CS. Most of the time, their view is dependent on whether their problem was solved. People generally hate CS when their problems aren’t solved. And that’s totally understandable to an extent.
But I’m neutral to CS practices. I’ve seen and worked with all different types. So I see things from a very different perspective.
For me… when I get annoyed by someone’s CS, it’s because they took a week or more to get back to me. Old Republic CS is like that. Or was. I haven’t used it in a while.
I was literally not granted an achievement I earned and proved I earned in multiple different ways earlier this expac.
I opened about 5 tickets until eventually, someone just told me “we dont know how to grant achievements”
I’ll try to be less mean here but I refuse to be less blunt:
This is why I said I think you’re out of touch on this issue. I appreciate your information and your perspective, but I maintain that the suggestions you gave (while helpful) are indicative of the exact problem people are complaining about in this thread. We have to resort to these troubleshooting tips WAY too often, instead of getting clear and useful help, we have to sift through things ourselves.
You are supposed to be on my ignore list (for VERY obvious reasons) but somehow one of your replies made it out. (Thanks, Blizzard, for yet something else that does not work well).
But now that I had to actually read this reply let me make mine…
Given the fact you have 37k+ posts in your history and they have like 3K posts – It would be VERY VERY obvious he (and everyone else) will run into multiple posts where you have made your “opinion known”. He is not following you around, just the sheer number of posts you make and threads you are in, one can’t help to run into you. Don’t flatter yourself – no one is following you like some puppy dog.
You’re giving half-information. You’re speaking about CS as a whole as though it’s horrible like this, and it’s not. You’re pretending like it’s the norm, which it isn’t. And I’ll be honest, I think you know you’re doing it on purpose.
And it’s the fact that so few issues get resolved which is why Blizzard CS has become such a huge meme in the gaming industry. Remember years ago when it was the gold standard? That’s because issues got resolved. Any time I contacted a GM, my issue was resolved and resolved quickly. Now, it takes days to get a robot reply that has nothing to do with what my ticket was for, closing it, forcing me to reopen, then when you try explaining that the issue was not resolved, being told “we may sanction your account if you keep opening tickets”. Ok, so someone has a legit issue, and you’re going to silence them if they don’t keep quiet about it? And you think that’s good CS?
Oh boy, you really have room to talk. You pick fights with just about everyone I see you replying to.
Thank you, and that’s what I was implying, if mine made sense?
We can have a conversation. It’s possible I misjudged your intentions. But if you can’t see how your own comments throughout this thread were perceived by many others, and led to the responses you received, then I dont know what to tell you. These forums are a very argumentative place by default. It makes sense for people to expect that kind of energy and to respond in kind when they think they see it.
About to go to the gym so then order some biscuits and gravy so I’m looking forward to today!
Interesting. Was your Ignore list full? Glad you got it sorted out so that at least you can play in peace. For the future if it happens again:
Ongoing Harassment is not something to take lightly. Just be sure you NEVER respond to them in any way. Make note of the:
-Charname-server they are on
Chat channel or method in game
Time and time zone
Nature of the contact
Note that you have them on Ignore and they are using other licences or accounts to get around ignore.
Place that new char on Ignore.
When you can, put in the Ongoing Harassment ticket. If that fails to work, you can ask for advice on the CS forum - but don’t name any names. Just give them the ticket number you submitted and ask what to do if the GMs don’t assist after you have done all the steps.