Blizzard customer Service doesn't exist

I don’t think you are trying to be insulting in this comment. I am very sure that the other CS/TS MVPs all consider the same thing. It is frustrating all around. Seeing players stuck in situations that should be taken care of already. Trying to do what you can to help, but also dealing with misplaced anger. Some folks seem to think Green is Blizzard so take it out on those trying to just give them info. Understandable, but still frustrating. Some people can’t handle being told “no” no matter how polite the phrasing is.

There are only a tiny handful of us left. It is the TS/CS MVP program folks who do most of the info/policy help. I think there is only one Community MVP left and they just do general friendly comments - they were never brought in for helping players. Not the role of the Community MVPs.

And then people would get no help at all. Please, realize that the thought goes through my head, and has many times over the years. That does not actually solve the problem though. It just makes it worse for players.

You know what won’t happen? Change in the way you want. They will just shut down the forums and end all CS support completely short of billing support required by law.

Microsoft already ended all the Tech Support and removed those staff. They could do that to CS too. They fired the Blue Tech Support Forum Agents too. All that is left is other players for TS, and don’t get shocked if they eventually decide that the forums are a cost and bother they no longer want.

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Yes, but Microsoft actually has a decent AI system. There are also subject matter experts that can guide you through MS issues.

Blizzard is not that sophisticated. It’s odd, because after 20+ years and now being owned by Microsoft, we’d see improvement.

Alas, not the case.

Also, I am going to say this as nicely as I possibly can…to any green, yellow, or blue responding… please stick to facts in order to help and log on as a different character to voice opinions. Too many times I’ve seen a yellow, green, and even a blue spout off an opinion that only fuels the fire. If you have a different color text, you need to be setting an example of good behavior, not exacerbating bad behavior

My two cents of what I have seen in threads that have long since been obliterated.


I wondered that too, actually. I didn’t say it out loud, but now that you have, I’ll highlight it. I think MS needs to get more involved with Blizzard to fix some of these systemic issues.

That’s one of the reasons I have several (not all) greens on ignore. They dive into discussions for no other reason than to deliberately fan the flames. One of them who was actually helpful and didn’t do that, I never see anymore. It’s possible they moved on. But also seeing them hearting their own comments with their alts was just weird. I don’t know if the whole concept of all characters on your account will share PVP rank and mount/pet collection is/was not well known? In all honesty, the entire program needs to be nuked. When you give the status to people who troll the forums, it loses any meaning or merit it ever had.

I can’t comment much on the yellows as they (so far) just seem like they’re “there”. I’ve not really seen any value, but I’ve not seen anything that comes across as alarming.

As far as blues. I’ve seen several helpful and some, not so much. What I don’t like is seeing a blue join in on brigading someone. Even Tseric was better than some we have now. Then you see people who’re siding with them, not because they really agree, but because they’re trying to see if they can score points.

Yeah, I am seriously surprised this thread hasn’t been nuked yet. I know someone was thinking “Man, we gotta shut this down, they’re highlighting problems”.


That last thought has been running in my head since I rejoined the conversation.

Still waiting for my newly uninstalled game to install so I can see if CS actually fixed my character.

UI reset and computer restart…I know I’m going to have this toon mock for the rest of my existence. I just know it.

22% into install. That’s why I’m here. Lol

Now that you’ve posted a %, you gotta keep that in sync.

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It would help if my UI would stop disconnecting from my network. :disappointed::disappointed::disappointed:

Yup, 24%.

It’s going to be a long day.

Some days I’m grateful for my IT experience. However, some days I wish things worked and I didn’t need to tap into my expertise.

Greens are not allowed to switch characters. We are required to have one single posting identity and require permission to change that. I have been Mirasol for posting since 2013. Further, we ARE regular players and allowed to have our own opinions. I don’t think you were talking about me in those deleted threads though.

People need to realize that we are humans, and that we do wear more than one hat. That of a player with our own thoughts, and an MVP helping folks.

Except that is an outright lie on your part. You seem to think they shut down negative threads - when there are hundreds of threads on all the Blizzard forums giving feedback - much of it negative talking about problems with the games or company. Constructive feedback is allowed as long as it is on topic and does not devolve into personal arguments, fights, and insults.

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I’m a programmer and I’m having a lot of trouble trying to figure out what your point was here. Aren’t LLMs and other genetic AI algorithms language-agnostic? As long as you have an API to work with GPUs to do the training, shouldn’t matter what language you ultimately choose to write in.

The responses could hit a batch script and have to move through a queue. Depending on volume and load balancing, this could all still be automated without any human ever interacting with a ticket. If 99% of the solutions boil down to “Do a full UI refresh” or “Do a client repair,” I wouldn’t want to spend time looking at those tickets either.

AI is now the universal term for preprogrammed questions with responses. It’s not AI, but since it gives the appearance of interacting… it’s considered AI.

It’s mixed verbage.

True AI learns as it interacts. I really don’t believe there is any company that utilizes true AI in their CS interactions, but I could be wrong. I’ve been out of the biz since 2020.


There IS automation involved. Very simple keyword based automation that handles high volumes of tickets at the front line. They were talking about the old languages because I think they were trying to point out it is very very simple IF THEN type programming. If ticket contains X keyword then send Y template. If the player re-opens it then it goes to a GM - who will also use a script or template, but look at it first hopefully.

They don’t use AI for tickets yet. There is no learning, no flexibility, no nothing. That would be an improvement probably.

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Mirasol, let me ask you this…

Since you have green lettering and it says MVP under your name…

How did you get that? Did you come to an agreement with Blizzard to provide help when needed? Did you agree to be an intermediary between your fellow players and the company?

You’re right. There aren’t. It’s deception and smoke and mirrors for the case where you can tell a chatbot based on an LLM that it’s wrong (they usually are) and the chatbot couches that like “sorry, here’s new stuff.” All that happens is that it takes another crack at running the probabilities baked into its model (models that are generally correct 70 - 80% of the time). The model isn’t learning from your interaction. It can’t. Just look at the case where Microsoft opened up its chatbot to “learn” from the general public and it needed to be shut down.

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Unfortunately, all AI is subjective to what has been fed them. There’s no actual learning, just regurgitating.

I’ve seen many examples of this with what passes as “AI” currently. Some of it is kinda funny.

While true, they’ve taken it to extremes where it seems more intended to make the player get frustrated and give up, rather than just weed out those who could easily get self-help online.