Blizzard created its own server problems without Dungeon Finder

Some people don’t understand blizzard has a design philosophy / pillars they’re trying to adhere to which are the same ones that people MAJORATIVELY gave for wanting these old expansions released. Just saying.

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You didn’t “fix” anything. You’re so desperate to tell lies that you even write fiction and use it as a quote from other people

Id absolutely stand behind this 100%

Id have an issue if rdf existed as the clear ONLY way (because of daily badges and circumventing the lockout AND the added convenience) to do phase 1 progression through heroics. As a catchup its fine, but i dont want to be forced to do it.

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i really do hope blizzard walks away from these interactions with some sense of how many people on both sides would be ok with or actively want this. Becuase i think this is the real compromise as far as rdf is concerned.

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And that is necessary for olds vanilla dungeons and TBC that needs to be used.

And I said, the dungeons of the WotLK is not the same as the TBC and Vanilla Dungeons, and that’s a bit of an issue in that it forces a little bit to complete all of the dungeon content in this expansion.

Thing Ocullus will be the hardest to find LFG when making the game, especially if you need some Trinkets in hero mode, mount, achievement and quest related to this dungeon.

And that is necessary for olds vanilla dungeons and TBC that needs to be used.

And I said, the dungeons of the WotLK is not the same as the TBC and Vanilla Dungeons, and that’s a bit of an issue in that it forces a little bit to complete all of the dungeon content in this expansion.

Thing Ocullus will be the hardest to find LFG when making the game, especially if you need some Trinkets in hero mode, mount, achievement and quest related to this dungeon.

And if we don’t forget the Qtime, didn’t Blizzard avoid the annoying Druids Multibots that are making the server fill up and harming the game experience for many?

TBH when i first played WOTLK the first way through my brother and i went super hardcore on hellscream server in pve … doing ulduar hardmodes ect … .we stopped at the last boss and went to a smaller more quiet guild eventually. Wrath was ALOT easier then TBC was by a solar system. Granted you have ulduar hardmode which was pretty hard for that time and a handful at most other fights but all in all really wasnt bad to clear content as a casual. Hell i remember getting epics from badges alone and gearing a few toons real quick. Gearing got ALOT easier and tbh why i had quit after wow. It started to not feel like the game i fell in love it and now retail is just horrid for me personally. Im interested in what they do this time around to fix glaring problems … .problems that we dealt with in vanilla with hands off. I played a Fury warrior and cleared all content but man having 10 warriros in a raid and almost as many rogues to clear content made gearing insanely hard and quite frankly shouldnt have been allowed. RDF for me is 100% great for normal dungeons … hell id level some alts myself if it was but i also think heroics should be left out as they are a stepping stone by design for raids so people forming groups and creating bonds via this area should be kept in tact regardless if people want to socialize or not. Its a design decision i agree with.

Here im gonna disagree. While actively playing WOTLK retail in 2008, I cleared the Oculus FAR MORE before rdf was in the game than after; when people would autoleave the moment they got past the loading screen. its far easier to find people willing to do it, if youre looking specifically for it.

Again these are my feelings exactly. hit the nail on the head.

Not really RDF allows you to queue for specific dungeons, just queue for occulus if you really want it. If someone drops you just requeue and now you’re at the front of the line, this also ensures you get people who are actually interested in that specific dungeon and not just trapped there because herp derp it’s the daily. I did that plenty when i was trying to cherry pick specific dungeons for whatever reason.


RDF solves a lot of problems but blizz is a small indie studio :clown_face:


Tank will autoleave, because hes in the random queu.

If youre lf tank thats a very long requeu for a dungeon the others in party are looking to skip out on too.

this never happens it just forces 4 people in the random queu into a dungeon theyre gonna leave you over and over again in.

in dungeons less universally hated as Oculus.

I watched this play out. youre wrong. You’ll hardly do oculus this way and you see the inside of it alot more with an lfg tool.

Now they could implement a blacklist which would ensure you never get someone unwilling to run oculus, but then you’d just be in queu forever. Literally forever.



No ty then



Only you and a small portion of players, because if you look at the vast majority of players ask for the return of RDF…
the only ones who don’t want to are those who want to sell rush or manipulate who will participate in dungeon groups, that is, the groups that are part of the crazy hard core 1%.

most of the blizzard public wants the return of RDF, just put the tool back in the game, to put it back, you don’t need to remove the one that has already been implemented, if you don’t want to use RDF for being part of this crowd If you don’t want it, just don’t use it…
the other tool will continue to exist for those who want to use it
but it is essential to get Random Dungeon finder back into the game, if you look at the various wow forums, most of the community is clamoring for it, just look and get out of your bubble.

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Need a source on this.

But it is not as much as other important dungeons which is used for leveling, getting items or farming emblems.

It may be in LFG, but just like RDF, we are almost still the same to search for that specific dungeon, especially when we need to enter without conditions or it is a WTS group.

Personally I think having an automatic group tool that was limited to YOUR SERVER would be a really good thing for wrath. However XREALM… No way!!

The current tool is buggy, my heals pally always joins as tank regardless of what role I select, have had hunters show up as heals/tanks. Its a real mess.

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Im 100% down for RDF for normal dungeons.

how would you feel about xrealm rdf but no heroics?