Blizzard created its own server problems without Dungeon Finder

pretty clearly represented them just fine. yall continue to prove my point about screaming into the void and failing to think about your positions.

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it infuriates you that you cant just altpost and say whatever you want huh? you look like a clown to people who should by rights be agreeing with you.

i’ll take a look at it to see if youve been playing actively. lol i might give you headpats if you want attention that bad from me

It angers me that you lie so much. Everything I post is the truth as best I know it. But like qanon you just post fiction and expect people to believe you.

Prove that. Produce any data at all that backs up your claim. You are the biggest liar posting on this forum.

wrong. misrepresenting someone’s argument, then claiming that was their argument all along is just a troll move.

have fun trolling. done with you.

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You like asking people to prove negatives huh?

Wheres that lvl 70 with the guild and friends you raid with?

thats called a strawman, and i’d love to correct myself if i misrepresented anything you said. go ahead and clarify anything i may have gotten wrong.

Strawmanning does me and my points no favors, so im definitely not trying to do that here.

I’d just like you to back up your claims with evidence.

That’s a lie. It’s fiction. You’re trying to divert attention from your lies because you know there’s no way you can back up your claim. You are by far the biggest liar here.

you are endlessly entertaining

Who hurt you hunny? I completely understand escapism, but you are taking it to a level probably not healthy with how you are about rdf and this game

You’re not. The fiction you write is so unbelievable it’s obviously a lie.

Produce evidence to back up that claim. You claimed when asked for a source you always provide one.

oh you mean proving a negative in a hypothetical situation. you DO know how dumb you sound to everyone reading this right?

Go sleep it off hunny, you’ll be okay.

I think everyone here has identified you as a liar.

Youd think wrong. We were having a good convo, before you did the thing where you jumped in wailing and crying and screaming because youre an entitled child who isnt getting their way.

There was never an expectation that RDF was ‘owed’ to anyone. Misrepresenting my original argument is disingenuous at best.

For reference, my stated reason that RDF belongs in wotlk classic is:

to keep true to the original vision of classic and provide the players an experience as close to the original as possible

which is not:


as you put it.

so, I’ll say again: go touch grass.

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you are pretty clearly changing your arguement here, you said *

Which is argueing “You got yours now I get mine, you owe us it.” pretty clearly.
And i very clearly said

Seems like a legitimate response to your point.

looks like you can play my game for the moment or as you put it:

Then link to the people that posted they were quitting who when pressed turned out to be retail players. If it’s anecdotal link to the anecdote. You’re not on your normal Qanon site now where people believe any fiction you post. Provide some evidence.

Im way farther left than you irl, btw.

more misrepresentation.

im done engaging with you, as you are clearly not here for a discussion, and just here to troll/argue.

nope! what exactly did you mean by

then? spell it out for me.

You don’t know that either. You just make it up. You’re just writing fiction and lies. If you’re not a member of the flat earth society you do emulate their tactics.