Blizzard could have one of the best animated series

Literally a story line built over the last 30 years laid out already, right now blizzard has the animation skills, the money, the story, and the power to make one the best animated series that I’m sure MILLIONS would watch and all they have to do is just make it lore accurate not like the terrible movies they did live action :joy: but animated people would watch this, make blizzard so much money


There was another huge thread on this already. But as discussed there, Blizz lost $40 Million on their 1st movie, so there is likely little financial interest in trying again.

Especially after other game franchises have attempted to make shows…most of which lost money with only a few exceptions. i.e. Arcane, which cost $250M and was critically acclaimed by critics and fans alike but didn’t attract new players to LoL

It’s a gamble, and at this point in Warcraft franchise popularity, not one worth taking.


They lost money because it was live action and terrible and not lore accurate in the slightest, all they need to do is make a Lore accurate animated series which they already do for retail, it’s a huge money grab for them and they’re plenty of series like league that did it pretty well


Agreed. Very weird decisions were made regarding the first move. I still love it but they shot themselves n the foot.


Even among wow players, I don’t think the majority care that much about lore. A series would be aiming to appeal to people outside of WoW players, who don’t know or care about the lore at all, they would just want to watch a good show.

Its like Arcane. I don’t know anything about the lore or story so I don’t know or care if it was lore accurate. I enjoyed Season 1 because it was a good entertaining show, Season 2 was just okay.

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I don’t disagree, an animated franchise will probably work better for this kind of medium, but let’s not forget there have been live action shows in this vein already that have done well. So I don’t think it’s an “animation over live action” thing. I think it’s a “is Microsoft willing to back Blizzard in making a movie so they have enough money” thing.

If you check out Warcraft reviews, you might notice something funny. Fans, overall, enjoyed the movie. Last I checked fan rating was 70% ish which isn’t half bad. It was only the critics that hated and lambasted it. So, Warcraft has already proven that fans enjoy the live action stuff Blizz can do, we just wanted to see things tightened up a bit. A lot went on in that movie.

That being said, I genuinely feel like the biggest hurdle to adapting anything from WoW (not Warcraft but WoW specifically) is player characters. We have been credited with a handful of signature wins in the history of the game. Sure others were taken from us and given to Lore characters, but we are credited with taking down C’Thun for instance. How do you adapt a 40 person raid to represent your entire community without making anyone feel like you left them out of the glory? Are ther ways? Most definitely. But writing around player characters would make adapting WoW more complicated than Warcraft, which were games entirely built around Lore characters doing Lore things while we controlled them.

While i have yet to see the warcraft movie, I feel like they didnt put their best foot forward.

What they should have done, is start out with the WCIII story. Do it up proper ala lord of the rings in terms of budget, details, etc…

Then, you can work either forwards or backwards in the timeline (preferably backwards and then do WCI and WCII)

At the very least, it’d be cool if they did a limited series of various key moments in the warcraft timeline, like the onyxia quest chain or various character story arcs (Sylvannas, uther, edwin vancleef, etc…)

It exists already. Just string together all the warbands etc. put some animation to connect them.

Would be a nice short movie of the history

:crab: :ocean: :crab: :ocean:

Except any animated project would be made for “modern audiences” and LOL there goes money flushed down the toilet.

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This is a non issue imo. You could in the last episode or final battle show a group of “heroes” all with the most well known xmogs across all classes, but the players never actually acomplished anothing all by ourselves.

There was always a faction , group of characters behind most key moments in game. Chronicles did asign victories to eaxh faction , you just have to show the commander/leader at the time being the central piece

They could also go the meme route and whenever they show the heroes they just blur their faces anime style or use plants or lights to hide their face

Blizzard making an animated series to cash in on WoW’s story would be like robitussin making a hard candy to cash in on the medicine’s flavor.

It’s not entirely unpleasant but definitely could not stand on it’s own merits.

Blizzard could have one of the best animated series

Once you see Road Runner and Mr Peabody and Sherman you realize the bar has been set pretty high.

…with blizzard’s reputation? :robot:

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LoL’s lore begins and end with short blurbs in the character descriptions. The show could do almost anything they wanted because the game simply doesn’t have enough story to contradict them.


Agreed. Also, think of how the subs would increase!

I think they could do short self contained episodes. Some of their best works are the short stories tokyopop published. They struggle with longer narratives. Even warcraft 3 isn’t really more then a short story.

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I know for a fact we are credited with stopping C’Thun with no real help from any faction. There were some present, but we as players characters were given basically sole credit for that event. And it’s the biggest event in Vanilla so it would be part of early seasons in a show or a first movie in a movie series.

Yes I know, there were Drudes there and Night Elves, but in canon Lore a band of Adventurers handled that problem basically solo. We gathered everything needed, just had someone tell us what needed. We breached the gates and We killed everything in there. Didn’t we? I may be forgetting some Lore character being present in the raid, but as far as I know players have exclusive credit for taking down the first Old God the planet faced.

And with how important the Old Gods seemingly are for the story, this event must come up in any telling of the story.

with their writing skills? no they couldn’t

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Aq was a campaign with the might of kalimdor and anchronos the dragon. AQ has lots of famous faces show up

Do you remember how the story was told by cho back in the anniversary? Just like that you could do it. Show saurfang and the other notable characters dragons there and just show the nameless champions.

It would be review bombed the moment they had any minor character alterations or streamlined the story for the medium in any way

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