Blizzard Checkout error

Oops! looks like you just purchased this product. We’ve rejected your second attempt. Tried card and paypal. This was done in game through the wow token and also online trying to buy battlenet currency.


Possible the first attempt went through - what are you buying?

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I tried to purchase a retail wow token. Not sure why this is happening. Even tried using a different payment method.

I’d reach out to Billing on this, I’m seeing a string of failed attempts at purchase today.

I’d try an alternate payment method if you can.

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Just want to let you know alt. payment was not working. Ill try again

I’m having the same exact problem trying to upgrade to BFA. I think this is a big deal for you guys right? When do you think this will be fixed?

I think the same advice is going to apply here. Best to reach out to Billing to see if they can lend a hand.