Blizzard changed their mind!

WotLK will be getting quest tracking after initially saying it wouldn’t. There is still hope they could change their mind on LFD too.


Wow what a loss for the community, if I can’t spam general chat saying “where is the ley shrine” what kind of community will we have. I need those intense and amazing engagements of me asking and someone’s saying “google it”.

100% this thought was in blizzards head when they removed this.


I guess your experience with the community is what you put into it. People ask questions and I answer. I ask questions and other people answer.

I’m always surprised to see people having such negativity in this game. How often does someone say to google it? I can’t think of that one time that’s happened in TBCC. I have seen it in retail before, and I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but I’m surprised it happens often enough for you to become bitter.


I was more poking fun at blizzards pathetic attempt to explain to us what a “good community is”. LFD being removed for community, because spamming “LF tank utgarde keep” is that intense social interaction that I crave in these mmos.


I don’t even know what they’re trying to do in wrath because they’re all over the place and they’ve changed their minds on everything at least once.

It’s like they’re shocked by feedback.


Their quest tracking feature will probably include banner ads.

Looking for Mankrik’s wife? Have you tried looking for her at linkedin?


I REALLY hope they change their mind on LFD! I honestly think it’s a huge mistake not including it. At the moment, looking for groups for lower lvl dungeons is pretty ridiculous on many servers. Even looking for a group for Under Bog on my then leveling druid took me 2 days (total waiting time was over 6 hours between the 2 days). Spamming to find a group is NOT SOCIAL at all. It’s pretty annoying for both myself and the people who have to see it over and over. I don’t understand what the big deal is (I did play Wrath, started in TBC). There were still plenty of people forming their own groups. I for one rather get the objective completed and go about with my choice of in-game social interactions. I don’t do dungeons for the “social” aspect, lol. I say give us LFD tool and those who don’t want it DON’T have to utilize it. It’s so simple. I wish they would indeed send out a legit poll because I have no idea who all these so called CLASSIC people they keep referring to who feel LFD ruined the game. I played Wrath, LFD didn’t ruin the game for me-- in fact it made me play more! I lvled every class to lvl 80 during Wrath!


Add LFD right nao.


It’s important to know that LFD was introduced late during Wrath. As in, Wrath without LFD and Wrath with LFD are both authentic experiences. It’s not like Classic / TBC Classic where there was only one option for an authentic one.

So them being FORCED to make choices is why this is happening.

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There is a lot of leeway with ‘at some point’.

I found it hilarious when Brian said they didn’t expect this much push back from no RDF


I havent seen this yet, got a source by chance?

On my server I’d ballpark around 40-50% for that specific response. Usually, but not always, someone will chime in with the information being requested but absolutely every question asked will produce multiple jackass replies ranging from purposeful misinformation to playful but ultimately unhelpful goofing to outright hostility. Generally speaking, asking for help usually leads to poor outcomes. Any admitted or exposed knowledge or performance deficit is typically greeted with some measure of ridicule, shaming and/or expulsion. There’s lots of nice helpful people in game but is just as many if not more unstable, toxic people that act out in the context of anonymity and perceived authority.

But forcing us to be more interactive ought to fix it. /s


RDF was THE defining feature of Wrath. I ground them for a solid month to get full heirloom sets so I could grind more dungeons to level alts.

They don’t seem to know their player base anymore.


it’s like they assumed because we were never up in arms about them adding it in Vanilla/TBC (even though someone literally made an addon to simulate RDF at classic launch) that we’d just not want it added during wrath, when in reality we were just waiting until wrath because that’s when it was added.

and all the “relevant feedback” they supposedly got when they made their decision just reeks of them only looking at what people said during Classic/TBC rather than asking people what they wanted for wrath


A lot of people recognize that anti-social game design seems to have gotten us here, and conclude–not necessarily correctly–that getting rid of anti-social game design will get us out. It’s a reasonable conclusion, but I think Classic demonstrated it isn’t that easy of a fix.

Do you have better ideas that aren’t just giving up?

There’s a reason the MMO genre is dying in general. It’s not just gamers, but the whole world is becoming more and more anti-social. Forcing people to socialize when we clearly don’t want to go that route is a poor decision.

It’s just the way things are these days.


it was announced in burning crusade, it got delayed due to coding / technical issues but it was supposed to be in wrath at launch. Those issues dont exist anymore, as it was done 15 years ago.


I have seen it. And i didnt think anything of it. Its not as bad as it is being made out. I have seen more than a couple times " you do know you can look that up on a website right?". I didnt type it but i was thinking the same thing. I have looked up many many quests and its a very simple process. I actually think there is more social interaction when looking it up than having someone tell you in game. In game its a quick answer and thats it. Whenever i have looked up a quest i end up reading through other players comments and you find out a whole lot more. Discussions about the drop rates and stuff and what the reward is and how good the reward is or isnt and that leads to discussions of a better quest reward from a different quest and so on

But yes i have seen ppl tell others to look it up.

The reason the MMO genre is suffering has nothing to do with anti-social gamers. It has more to do with how expensive MMOs are to produce and practical issues complicating their development and innovation.

Also, is it a poor decision or an unpopular decision? Because asking badly behaved players their opinion on bad behavior and game design that encourages bad behavior is going to get you pretty biased results.

And? Let’s stick with the facts of the world we live in instead of alt-history trivia.