Blizzard CEO Claims Systemic Harassment Accusations Made Up

Of course he would say that :roll_eyes:
So much drama here today I’m sippin tea


I just don’t see him staying he might for a little bit, but who knows I could be completely wrong?

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Wow a CEO trying to demonize people unionizing

Clearly the first time of this happening in history


A leader will say anything to avoid defacement.

Do you think every single job will somehow be better if it’s unionized?

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Lollll bobby loser.
No one believes you okay.

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I’m sorry I have to eat crow here I was completely wrong. Kotick will stay if the deal doesn’t succeed. I misread the news.


I get it no one wants to admit they were drinking breastmilk from the breakroom fridge


Hey, Gallywix at least somewhat likable

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Complete non-sequitur. He is blaming the people who wanted to unionize for making this up which had nothing to do with the women who were accusing Blizzard or the house cleaning they did.



You’re a good person for being honest and we have all been there with misunderstanding news articles. I blame the fact that they’re usually poorly written and I end up skimming them too much and missing things. lol


Despite him being a horrible individual, he knew/knows how to bring in the money.

Ahh yes, the person who called and threatened the life of an ex employee, says there is no systemic issue with harassment.

Here let me have a laugh:


Just a remember that after the Blizzard scandal he decided to show how women friendly Activison Blizard was by hiring Jen Oneal as a co-president. It is funny that he didn’t think she could be president all by herself though. Also she ended up quitting after ACTI refused to pay her the same amount as Mike Ybarra. I wonder if that was all made up by outside forces and labor unions as well,


First off Blizzard Entertainment doesn’t have a CEO and second he isn’t CEO of Blizzard Entertainment.

I think the words are technically correct, but said in the wrong spirit. There was problems at Blizzard, and there is a lot of documented cases of it. Bobby is leaning on the word “systemic” and using a rigid definition that their number of serious HR cases doesn’t meet. They still had a lot of nonsense go on for too long, and he dang well knows that. I think this minimizing language is a bad look. Better to just let the issue die, commenting on it again is stirring it all up again.


I wonder how much Variety got paid for this obviously biased take.

Did bobbi put this deal in motion to get out of not getting paid his bonuses? I seem to remember him bragging up a storm how his compensation was changing. I also seem to remember a clause about ‘if the company is in negotiation for sale’ he gets the full bonuses.

Also the California state employees pension is heavily invested into acti-blizz. That pension is already wobbling and bobbis behavior may risk their pensions.

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Some of the most serious cases were at Activision. Also he blames the labor unions.

Thanks for bringing this one to our attention.

It’s hard to believe that one of his proofs was he still has famous friends.

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omg, what a lying sack.

Boo, Bobby! Boooooo.