Blizzard Can't Win

First, the mechagnomes are awesome.

Second, elves are over-done. Tolken did the world a dis-service when he made his uber-elves who are little more than pointy-eared humans who are just better than you.

I hate elves.

I love Elves.


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As dinner? Or figuratively?


No, no.

This should give you a better idea of what I mean:


no, she said her butt was hurting because Tyrande dared to ask if she could be trusted since highborne tend to go off the deep end when it comes to powerlust.


what do you think orcs are? some unique concept? they are pointy eared humans who are more savage than you.


Liadrin is a better diplomat than Tyranduh. The nightborne joined the Horde. Deal with it already. You don’t hear us constantly whining about the Lightforged joining the Alliance even though we were on Argus helping them as well.


If anything that just shows how desperately Alliance players wanted High Elves.


The only thing that might make me change my main race is if Naga were finally playable(on alliance). The rest are pretty cool and actually got me to start playing on the Horde side regularly.


We’re also green.


we’re also the most handsome men in all of azeroth. /flex

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I think those fancy Blelfs might have a word or two to say about that.

That’s not what happened, though.

In the scenario, Tyrande clearly says she’ll have to think about the Nightborne joining the Alliance, based on their past actions, at which point Thalyssra just says screw it, let’s go to Sylvanas instead.

Sylvanas then tells Thalyssra that the Nightborne can join the Horde, but that they’ll be expected to be front-line cannon fodder in any war that arises, and Thalyssra agrees.

It’s all just as stupid as people have pointed it out to be.


Liadrin was on neither faction side, for several expansions, and should not have even been a Horde diplomat in the first place.

Yeah, for what
 20 minutes? The whole Argus thing was incredibly short, with no required rep grind and little to no character development - unlike Suramar. So of course you wouldn’t complain about not getting lightforged draenei, because you’re really not missing much. Besides, they’re draenei and Turalyon is a longtime General of the Alliance, so


People have bad tastes. Reading some of the opinions on these forums makes me cringe.

I’d imagine if humans drank fel blood they’d be green too

Each Race reacts differently to Fel. Some Blood Elves turn blue.

those guys actually are demons, kinda like demon hunters

They are nothing like Demon Hunters.

Felblood Elves are cute.

Demon Hunters are an abomination.

no they aren’t