Blizzard can you look into my Last dungeon Ara - Kara - did i deserve that vote kick?

So, i entered the dungeon for my quest - i greeted everyone with a hello.

I marked myself & took a left the whole team from Tichondrius went right.

I was assuming they are going to follow, i kept tagging adds, as many as i could handle. I did not die.

I noticed the players did not follow me. So i went to them, i knew i am getting kicked 100% from this dungeon.

I told them be wise do not report me. I am documenting this.

I followed their path and let them lead.

They kicked me.

I asked them why they kick me - Their answer was i did not initiate the kick.

Now which action of mine was against the TOC ?

This is what vote kick abuse is.

you probably want to post in the CS forums.

First mistake.

second mistake.

nah its different but i get you are feeling about this.
follow the logic that sometimes… people suck… rolled a bad group. dont get to worried, you are wanted and valued.


Did you deserve the kick? Well… yes.


Sounds like you got grouped up with a pre-made. You’re always going to have to bow to a premades majority. This is nothing new.

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the council will decide your fate.


There is no connection or requirement for a ToS violation and vote kicking.


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i can tell you right now that no matter who is right or wrong, if you notice that a group of people are queuing together, there is not a whole lot you can do about votes. No matter what their vote is, they will vote the same - and it will almost always be against you. Unfortunately but true.

the council of elves.

found your problem.
1.pvp server.
2.queued as group. 2 of the biggest red flags in the game.instant leave group and just eat the debuff. not worth the headache. most guild groups are just hardcore guilds that cant get that last member so they pug it. not worth dealing with them.

If players wanted you gone, you deserve it no matter if you did something wrong. They had a right to do it and did.

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You can’t abuse the vote-kick system. The other players in your group can kick you for any reason or no reason.


This dungeon has made players crazy, I swear. The BiS trinket dropped for someone who did not need it at all, and when I asked if I could have it, they said nothing and vendored it. :face_with_diagonal_mouth: Same group – I received loot from the final boss, and this Hunter opens a trade window with me and just sits there for a whole minute without saying anything, like I was supposed to automatically give it to him.

Antagonizing people, but that isn’t a requirement for a vote kick, anyway.


Again, no.

The vote kick option is there as a means to deal with people that are causing issue for the group. It isn’t there to indiscriminately boot people on a whim. They abused the feature.

You can’t abuse it. They can kick you for no reason, or any reason.

Groups are empowered to manage their own members through the vote-kick system. If the majority of the group feels a player should be removed, they can initiate a vote-kick to remove them. The system is entirely under the control of our players. Players may choose to remove any other player from the group for any reason, provided the vote to kick passes.


Wait, you got kicked from a follower dungeon?

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Ya, if group decides you are out. You are out. That is how it is and should be. Like, it does not need a reason that is crazy.


:person_facepalming: oh my.

but did you take your issue straight to the manager? lol

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Nothing gets you kicked like telling people you’re documenting their actions and “be wise” and don’t kick you. Lmao. I would have initiated kick after that.