Blizzard can you look into my Last dungeon Ara - Kara - did i deserve that vote kick?

Vote kick has nothing to do with ToS. Vote kick simply means the majority of the group did not want you in the group. It was surely your attitude.

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you deserved it, just for being a tool

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Found out why you were kicked.

They didnā€™t like the fact you didnā€™t know the dungeon and just learning it, but yeah instead of helping they were just being jerks.

Queing is a hit or a miss you donā€™t know who your going to wind up with.

Nothing Blizzard can do with the unfortunate happening.

No, actually it is not. Canā€™t abuse something like the kick system. No one HAS to play with you. Anyone can kick anyone with or without reason. Kick Abuse does NOT exist.

If somebody told the whole group ā€œdo not kick meā€, you just planted a seed thatā€™s going to grow.

And no, Blizzard wonā€™t do a thing about a kick no matter how much you complain.

Best to learn from your mistake, forget about seeking vengeance and move on.

I would have kicked and reported, seems like it was meant to be a threat or intimidation.


Woooo someone else said it.

Doesnā€™t matter. The group isnā€™t obliged to keep you for any reason.

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I dunno if someone joined my group and started saying he was documenting everything and for me to be wise Iā€™d kick him just for the laughs

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If the majority of the group feels a player should be removed, they can initiate a vote-kick to remove them. The system is entirely under
the control of our players. Players may choose to remove any other player from the group for any reason, provided the vote to kick passes

Blizzard canā€™t help you with this. So asking them to look into something or reporting someone related to votekicks is pointless.

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