Blizzard, can you actually explain why we can't play Earthen tonight?


We are back to BFA/Systemlands time gating shenanigans.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Why is it a good call?

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Wait, what is this?

gotta pad the MAUs somehow…

The forums are so interesting. From the moment the earthen were unveiled at Blizzcon up until 1 minute before xpac launch, people were all “wow Blizz nobody asked for this or wants this!! What is this crap?!” and now it’s “wow Blizz why can’t I get my earthen dwarf 15 seconds into the xpac?!?”



Welcome back to BFA/Systemlands.

DF was the hook but they are back to their old ways.

“Lessons learned”


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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  1. They didn’t want people to wait a week to buy the game. They want to have very good launch units shifted. So they let people think Earthen would be at launch.

  2. Improved time engagement metrics

This is all they care about, and are perfectly willing to waste the players’ time and money to acquire these benefits.

I never said that. I was always looking forward to them.

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I want my bearded lady dwarves


What worries me about it is it makes them seem less than confindent that they have enough content to keep people going so they will delay things here anf there to at least have people popping back in.

I already did the story where we save them and they ask ‘What do I do now?’ And Magni says ‘Whatever you want’ then they just poofed away and never spoke of again

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ive been excited since day 1 since it means i can play a dwarf on the horde. im sure more than a few people had a change of heart progressing through the main campaign too


Because players would just play the race then argue there’s no story or content — without having actually played through any of it. :joy:

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If you can’t actually give a good reason for why the lock exists beyond “it’s not that big of a deal” then it seems like the lock shouldn’t exist to begin with.

Thanks for confirming.

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You guys were major expansion feature and did not come out for a year and 1/2.

If you toss some $$$$$ at Blizzard, they’ll probably let you have what you seek.

No but what’s this about 25% xp?

Ah ok. Im showing a quest right over the main building. Not a big deal. Im not going to play one, but still good to know.

Um big daddy Blizz doesn’t owe us anything, sweaty.

My guess is that they didn’t want EA players finishing the level 80 campaign and running around with Earthen tonight as the rest of the playerbase is leveling, because this kind of rubs the noses of the non-EA players in it. So the “logic” would be to push it back a week, to give the people starting today (even the slow ones) an equal chance to level, and attack the level 80 portion of the campaign, and unlock the Earthen, at the same time as the EA players.

It’s a poor reason, if that in fact is the reason, but I don’t see any other reason for pushing the campaign back a week.